This is your fault

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Just wanna let you know that I gave the main character a name. I personally don't like using Y/N for my story's.
I don't not own any of the characters in the story except for Natalia, the rest are form the marvel movies.
Some people might find this story disturbing since there is mention of blood, alcohol and murder. I will put a tw warning on the chapters that do contain those things.

(Natalia's POV) tw: blood, murder and alcohol

He had finally figured out who I was and was now running for his life. The poor man, thinking he could escape me. I walked after him, slowly, so he would believe he had a chance of survival. He kept running until, he found himself at a dead end, he had nowhere to go.

This was my favourite part of a chase, when the victim ultimately realised that they wouldn't survive and they never had a chance of surviving. I slowly made my way over to the man, at last stepping out of the shadows.

I was wearing a gorgeous black gown with a slit traveling up my leg, ending just below the hips. The dress was covered with glitter that sparkled in the moonlight and my curly black hair blew softly to the side in the wind. The man that stood now only inches from me, was terrified. He knew that this would only end in one way.

Not breaking the piercing eye contact, I reached my hand down to the slit in my dress and grabbed my dagger out of my thigh holster. The dagger that I grabbed had a black leather handle that had beautiful carvings in it. A shiny silver blade was on the other end of the weapon, the part that had been responsible for the death of hundreds.

"Where is he?" I asked him, just like I had asked each and everyone of my victims. I waited impatiently for him to answer but he stayed quiet. I put my empty hand on his shoulder and he began to beg for his life.
"Tell me and I will let you go" I said, hoping that he would say something, but again, just like every other person, he said nothing.

I slowly shook my head in disappointment "You knew there was no other way" I sighed "You should have chosen the easy way, this is your fault" After that sentence slipped out of my mouth I twisted the dagger between my fingers and than stabbed it deep down into his stomach in one motion. He fell down to his knees and the blood from the stab wound cascaded out. Within seconds he stopped breathing.

I shook my head "Why do you people always have to be so stubborn?" I said to the bleeding corpse of the man. I slid the now bloody dagger back in its holster and headed back into the dark shadows.

The first time I had killed someone, I stayed in my room for weeks and woke up every night with nightmares from what I had done. But now, six years later, killing didn't bother me. Theses past six years I had been studying the disappearance of my mother and every person that I killed got me a step closer to the truth.

That man I just killed, Andrew Parlow, was the last person that had a connection to the man that caused my mothers vanishing. Every person I asked where that man or who he was, chose death over ratting him out. It just didn't make any sense.

I slowly walked down the streets of New York till I reached my favourite bar in the city, Sunrise Alley. I opened the door and the familiar bell rang once the door hit it.
The reason this bad was better than every other bar in the city was because Yelena worked there.

"Is that Natalia that I see?" Said the girl that stood behind the bar. She had long blond hair that was pulled up into a high ponytail. She wore a white blouse that was unbuttoned at the top so you could see the sharp line of her collar. Her green eyes looked over to me as I sat down in my usual chair.

"People are useless and stupid" I said, disappointed with the fact that I had gotten nothing out of Andrew. "Bad day at work?" She asked with her thick Russian accent. She handed me my usual drink, a piña colada. I picked up the drink an took a sip of it with the pink straw.

"Yeah something like that" I lied. I hated lying to Yelena but it was best that she didn't know I had murdered hundreds to find my mom who, six years ago happened to disappear of the face of the earth. Yelena is my best friend and if a were to tell her everything about my past I was sure she would just tell me that everything was going to be fine and then she would find some way to help me. I just didn't want her to get tangled in my mess and have to lie to cops, if it got to that.

"I got just the thing to cheer you up" she stated. She took my hand and dragged me up to the stage in the back of the bar. "The karaoke machine finally arrived" she said.
Yelena had asked her boss to buy something to make the bar more lively, and of course, being the girl she is, she suggested a karaoke machine.

We put on our favourite song and sang it at least nine times before she got called back to work.
I made my way back to the high stools that sat in a perfect line up against the bar. I sat there for a while. Little did I know that a man sat by the round table on the other side of the room, hidden by the people crowding the bar. "Yeah, I got my eyes on her" he whispered into the phone.
He had been watching me that night, taking notes on everything I did...

(946 words)

Authors note: I know this part is a bit short and boring but that is just because I had to start the story somehow. Btw Yelena is just a normal girl in this story, she never went to the red room, she doesn't know Natasha and she never became an assassin. It just fits the story better:)
I hope you liked the first part.

What have you done?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang