Chapter 1

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- You're going to leave without saying goodbye ?

- See you later sweetheart.
He said to me, giving me a smirk while he was putting his black jacket on. After that, he didn't look back at me and just left the room, closing the door behind him and letting me in alone in the bed, still naked.

I rolled my eyes, looking at the ceiling while I was inhaling a puff of my cigarette.
This hotel room is cheap as fuck. Why would they put such a horrible paint on the ceiling. For sure it's a man who chose the colour.

I sighed and crushed my cigarette into the ashtray placed on the old brown nightstand. I got up from the bed and collected my clothes scattered on the floor before heading to the bathroom. I put my clothes on the sink and entered into the shower, wanting to wash myself after my evening with him. This asshole left again without saying anything.
I know what I was going into when he proposed me a strict-sex relationship but this is getting on my nerves.

I don't mind our relationship without strings attached. It kinda benefices me also. But he needs to learn about respect. It's not because we're only having sex that you can treat me like I wasn't an human being.
He's lucky he's good at it because otherwise I would have ghosted him for a long time ago.

I let the water rince my hair, my face and the rest of my body as I was trying to calm down the anger rising inside of me. I won't let him ruin my night. He paid for this hotel room so I'm gonna enjoy.

I got out of the shower and put a new underwear with my teeshirt. I went back to the bedroom and put a show on my TV. I opened the little fridge next to the bed and took a bottle of wine.
45 $. Well since he paid the room it's gonna be debited of his account so why would I deprive myself ?

I spent the night watching some dumb TV shows and drinking wine before going to sleep.


I woke up with a slight headache. I sighed     and got up from the bed, heading to the bathroom to fill a glass with water to take a med.
What a good idea of mine to drink the entire bottle of wine without eating anything.

I walked off this shitty hotel to go to the coffee shop I saw while I was coming here yesterday. I sit down at a table and ordered a black coffee. I don't know if this is supposed to help my headache but I personally think that coffee is the solution to any of my problems. Bad sleep, stressful meetings and also dealing with black haired asshole with big abs and a huge dick.

I turned on my phone to look at my notifications. I ignored them for the most part, looking for a potential work for today. Isa sent me a message.
We have an intervention this afternoon at Kanda. 16:30. Grade 1.
I answered that I would be there and answered to my other texts while taking a sip of the dark drink.


It's been three days since I went out of my apartment for the last time. I was just filling some paper work and doing some cleaning. Sometimes it just feels good to stay alone inside of your house.

As I finished the dishes, which is the worst part of cleaning, I heard my doorbell ring.
I dried my hands on my sweatpants and went to open the door.

- Hey ! How are you I haven't seen you for an eternity !

- Alex it's been three days.

- So ? It's an eternity !

They entered in the apartment and threw themselves dramatically on the couch.

- Take off your shoes, I cleaned.

They looked at me, terrified. Well they acted terrified, I know they were keeping themselves from laughing.

- Are you sick ?

- Fuck you.
I said, laughing with them before lying on the couch next to them.

Alex was my best friend for years. Even if we were complete opposites, we still have a really good friendship. It's kinda like we complete each other.
I offered them a beer as I listened to their speech about how guys are shit and they're going to stick up with girls since now.

- Sorry to break it to you but I don't think sexuality works like that.

- Well it sucks to be attracted by men.

- Tell me about it.

I said, rolling my eyes while I finished my beer.

- Ho ? Is it about that guy you meet in the hotel ?

- Yes it is.
I groaned, feeling annoyed just by talking about him.

- What's is name already ?

- Toji.

- Well what's going on with Toji ?

- He's been getting on my nerves lately. We agreed on a no strings attached relationship and I'm totally fine with that. It's just that I don't like how he acts with me when we're not having sex. This dude just leave me naked on the bed and dress himself before leaving the room without saying anything more than "see you later baby girl".
I said imitating his voice, which make Alex laughs at me.

- Girl. He calls you baby girl. It's a redflag.

I laughed too, agreeing to their statement before continuing to tell them about Toji.

- And again, when he tells me something before leaving. Sometimes he just leaves and gives me no news until a few days or a week when he's horny and he wants to fuck.

- Why do you keep seeing him then ? And please don't tell me it's just because he has a big dick because we know that he's not the only dude with a big one in this town.

- Sex is really good with him and it would piss me off to stop seing him. I struggled finding a guy who knows how to do a cunnilingus.
I said, looking jaded.

Alex seemed to be thinking about something for a few seconds before taking a sip on their beer and talking again.

- I have an idea.

- Ho no.

- Please listen to me I swear it's a good idea.

- You said that last time.

- Yes but it was about something else. For this topic I'm a genius.

I looked at them, not convinced at all but giving them a try just by curiosity.

- Mira throw a party tonight. Why don't we go together ?

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