Welcome to L'Manburg

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Tubbo was never the kind of person to think selfishly. Tubbo wasn't one to be egotistical and only think of himself. Tubbo knew his faults. Tubbo wasn't the smartest, Tubbo wasn't brave or strong. All the things you need in war, Tubbo wasn't.

Tommy was brave, he knew how to stand up for what he believed in. Wilbur was smart, he could think calmly in stressful situations while Tommy couldn't.

That's why Wilbur was the leader, and Tommy was his right-hand man. What was Tubbo? He wasn't really sure. But he knew he was their friend. And that's all that mattered to him.

Before L'Manburg, Tubbo had nothing. No home, no family, he was alone. In a big scary world. But he was fortunate enough to meet an animated young boy who liked to use big words to make himself sound smarter, a boy who would stand up straight to make himself look taller than everyone else. Tubbo was fortunate enough to meet Tommy.

Before Tommy and Wilbur, everything was awful, the Masked Man and his cruel friends took control of all the land. They controlled everything they saw. Without Wilbur, there would have been no independence for Tubbo.

Wilbur hated the Masked Man and to spite the man created his own country with his own rules and Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Eret built the walls to keep the dictators out.

Tubbo sat under a large oak tree with the beehive, within the walls of L'Manburg. At that moment Tubbo felt safe. Peaceful even. He knew it wouldn't last but there was something so satisfying about watching the bees buzz around the flowers all happily. Bees didn't have wars. Bees didn't have to fight for their freedom. But bee's homes do get attacked, even set on fire. Like Tubbo's.

They really should have seen it coming. The Masked Man had threatened to burn L'Manburg so many times, and now all that was left of Tubbo's house was a few door frames and ash. But that didn't matter. L'Manburg was still standing. And as long as L'Manburg was still there, Tubbo would be happy. 

But that is not what The Masked Man wanted. He wanted all of the land Wilbur had taken for his country. Wilbur created L'Manburg, Wilbur wanted freedom, Wilbur was strong. So Tommy followed Wilbur, and Tubbo followed them both. But when Wilbur announced that we had separated ourselves from the rest of the land. The Masked Man hated that we were independent, he loved control, and if L'Manburg was separated he couldn't control the people.

Tubbo knew the name of the Masked Man, it was a simple name, too simple. Tubbo didn't like to say his name. Tommy on the other hand would never admit fear of anything.

Despite being so different, Tommy and Tubbo were the most inseparable friends. They were both alone before Wilbur, but now here they were in this great country. With walls, they had built themselves.

Tubbo smiled. He knew if he had Tommy and Wilbur on his side everything would work out. It always did. 

Hardly a moment later Tubbo's other good friend Eret came up to him with a solemn look on his face.

"Come to the caravan Tubbo," Eret said in his deep soothing voice. "Wilbur has just called a meeting, we just got a message from Dream."

There it was, he said the name. The man with the mask, the one who started this back and forth fighting between the two countries. Dream. What a dumb name.

Tubbo joined Eret in the caravan where Wilbur and Tommy already stood.

Wilbur had a worried look on his young face. Wil was older than Tubbo and Tommy but Wilbur still had traces of boyhood in his face. Though today covered in worried lines it didn't look so young.

Wilbur was a tall man in his early twenties. He had wavy dark brown hair that fell over his forehead. He looked quite handsome in the L'Manburg suit coat. His soft hair barely covered his dark brown eyes.

His expression was worried and slightly enraged. "Great, Tubbo is here. As I was saying earlier to Tommy: Dream," there was the name again, "our main enemy, just sent us a message declaring war. This is no longer fun and games."

"They said they were going to blow up L'Manburg to the ground!" Tommy shouted. Tommy always felt the need to shout. "He threatened us and said 'no mercy, hehe I'm Dream I'm so powerful!' what a little..."

Tommy was awful at impressions.

Wilbur sighed and placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "Tommy calm down, please. It's not like we have nothing on them. Yes, they have more gear and weapons but we are not going to let Dream and his little friends walk over us!" He sounded confident but they all knew Dream's side had the upper hand.

"Yeahhhhhn!" Tubbo agreed. He knew whatever he would add would be glossed over, probably for the greater good, so he learned how to just agree with everything everyone else put on the table. It was easier that way. People were happier that way.

And that's all Tubbo wanted.

"I like that spirit Tubbo!" Wil called a grin appearing on his slim, handsome face. "Eret, prepare the army! Tommy, prepare the weapons! Tubbo... Be Tubbo!"

Tubbo smiled on the outside and laughed, but he was just hurt and confused on the inside.

Be Tubbo? What does that mean, be useless like he always is? Eret left the caravan immediately after Wilbur finished but Tubbo was still confused as he was opening his mouth Tommy spoke up louder and more confident than Tubbo could.

"Wil, how can we beat Dream? You that that little jerk always has way more stuff up his sleeve than we ever could!"

Wil looked Tommy in the eyes. "Truth is Tommy, I hardly know, but we have to fight for our nation, for L'Manburg."

Tommy nodded and matched out of the caravan with a brave face.

Tubbo admired Tommy for that.

"Alright Tubbo," Wilbur said placing the Decoration of Independance on its pedestal, "Tomorrow we go to war, I have to tell Fundy this at once."

Tubbo opened his mouth to say something but Wil was already leaving. Tubbo closed it and Wilbur was gone.

Tubbo wasn't brave, Tubbo wasn't strong. But Tubbo was smart. He didn't think he was, but he was very right about something. There was a traitor in their midst.

Tubbo [Dream SMP Retelling]Where stories live. Discover now