Gel Recipe (Explicit)

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Rory's POV
It was well into dawn by the time I had coaxed a bucket of cum from Xavier's exhausted body. With numb hands and sore lips, I hurried to Lisa's hut with the heavy bucket in tow.

Upon arriving at her hut, I set the bucket down and knocked loudly on her door. Soon, the door swung open and I was greeted by a very sleepy healer. Ushering me in roughly, she lifted the heavy bucket with strong hands and set it on the fire burning at the centre of her hut.

"Catch a bit of shut-eye, this'll take at least three hours she said." Before yawning and dropping sleepily back onto her bed. Finding the patient bed, I curled myself up and dozed off.

- Time Skip -
It had only felt like an hour when I was suddenly being shaken by a pair of very calloused hands. "Come on Rory, it's been well over three hours." She huffed. Opening my eyes drowsily, I followed her to the fire where she uncovered the bucket to reveal its contents. On the very top, there was a thick layer of white bubbles making up roughly two thirds of the contents while underneath it, was a translucent jelly like liquid.

"All that white stuffs no use, bloody fertile bastard." She explained. "It's the sperm his semen carries. It'll have to be scraped off." She elaborated. Swiftly grabbing a knife, she scraped much of the white stuff off the surface before throwing it into the fire to burn.

Turning to her working bench, she nodded her head at some bamboo plates not unlike a large sheet of makisu. "Pass me that bamboo mat and the wooden spatula next to it." She instructed me.

Laying the bamboo mat across the patient bed, she placed the bucket on the window sill and began slathering the translucent liquid onto the bamboo mat. "It's pretty much good to go now but its liquid form is messy and difficult to apply so if we cool it and let it set, it becomes an easily applicable gel." She explained.

I sat watching patiently as she spread the gooey liquid in a thin even layer over the mat. When she was finally done, she hung the bamboo mat by the window and left it swaying in the air.

"Now, it'll just take 30 minutes to set and then I can have you shipping it back to Xavier." She exclaimed proudly. Smiling shyly, I thanked her for her efforts.

- Time Skip -
Finally, the gel had set to Lisa's satisfaction and she began scraping it back into the bucket using the spatula from before. It was evident now, what Lisa had meant before as the bucket was only a quarter full.

Lisa pouted disappointedly. "It's not as much as I would've liked but it'll have to do. Apply it to his wound generously now, once again tonight and then again tomorrow night. Should be healed by the morning following that." She said proudly.

Thanking her again for her help, I rushed the bucket back to our den where I was met with a dozing Xavier. Gently placing the bucket in a safe corner beside Xavier's sleeping form, I scooped a generous amount onto my fingers before gently smearing it around Xavier's wound.

Before applying it on the rawest areas of his wound, I gently nudged him awake. "X-Xavier." I urged. Grumbling, he slowly yawned and stretched before shuffling into my lap. Giggling, I scraped more gel onto my hands before lathering it into his wounds.

He grunted in pain before finally relaxing into my caresses as I stroked his cheeks. "I l-love you X-Xavier." I whispered against his cheek. Licking my jaw affectionately in return, Xavier's golden eyes stared lovingly into mine.

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