glass car

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slender man can you get me beer says cartoon cat yeah yeah slender man says before grabbing a bottle of beer and giving it to cartoon cat thanks says cartoon cat no problem says slender man then see a glass car while Fran bow runs from the glass car help me Fran bow yells out while running slender man go's outside and grabs the car with his tentacles thanks slendy Fran bow says thanks slendy slender man responds with no problem then dr trager walks out and says sorry this is my new invention the glass car with auto pilot my controller of the car got wet when I sipped and my coffee fell onto the controller then it malfunctioned that's odd cars don't malfunction like that in the creepy pasta world or earth hmm maybe it's haunted by the ghost of el Norris what el Norris well I tell about el Norris slendy starts singing el Norris was a creepy pasta hunter and he killed hundreds of creepy pastas el Norris died when my grandpa killed him 200 years ago slender man stopped singing Fran bow was surprised come on dr trager says I have warm tea for everyone Fran bow and slender man walk inside the glass car is a mystery or not the end

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