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It's by -gemininibunny- again, ya'all

It's by -gemininibunny- again, ya'all

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1. Burger or Pizza

Let me count how many days its been since I ate burger.... 5 yrs? No, 6 yrs? That too a small piece, cause my pitiful, kind little heart brought back home the burger i had received on my school trip, and gave it to my mom to cut out equal pieces for everyone in our family. And that was the last time I ate a burger.

So, yeah, I don't even remember what burger tastes like now.

2. Sleeping or Travelling


3. Singing or Dancing

I love them both, and am horrible at both

4. Straight or Curly hair

I have neither straight hair, nor curly hair. It's more like wavy, and I love it.

5. Day or Night

Night. I just love the darkness and silence, and it feels deserted, like there is no one else except me. I also love the moon and stars, and being alone.

The day is too bright and filled with people. 

6. Veg or Non-Veg

Vegetarian. I cannot even stand the thought of eating animals. No offense to anyone, ofc.

7.  Snow or rain

It never snows in the place I live, so I can't really choose.

8. Beach or mountain

I have been in mountains a long ago when I was just a child, I think, but I don't remember anything from there. Beaches, on the other hand, I have been to a lot.

9. Comedy or Horror movies

Comedy. I like laughing (duh), but apart from that, I CANNOT STAND HORROR.

I once saw movie Annabelle Returns, and that was it. Never am I seeing a horror movie again.

10. Book or Music

I chose both. 

11. Cake or Ice-cream

They are both different, so maybe my choice will depend on how I am feeling at a particular moment.

12. Pen or Pencil

Depends on where I use it. Like, drawing - pencil, writing - pen.

13. With make-up or without make-up

Usually without makeup. Hell, I don't even ever use face powder.

14. Colored hair or natural hair

Natural hair. I have seen colored hair, and they look so dry and rough-

Also, I love my hair as it is.

15. Football or Basketball

Both are fine in its place, but I am not good at either. Mainly because I have rarely ever played them.

16. Sun or Moon

Moon. It is so beautiful, with its silvery light and lovely shape, no matter the moon cycle day (apart from new moon).

17. Call or text

I usually prefer text, because it is more easier to express ourselves that way. Also, I don't really like my voice, especially over call.

18. Sweet or spicy

Depends. Teenage moods, dude. 

19. Black or white

You know, I have wondered many times which I prefer too.

20. Introvert or Extrovert.

Ambivert. Or a no-particular-vert.

I used to be introvert, but unlike most people, the lockdown increased my confidence (a veryyyy tiny bit). 

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