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Scragglnar the indescribable: A herald of Tzennch that is considered to be crazy even by his fellow HoT this little guy is a master of the lore of metal also pranks don't tell him that it will get to his head

Nurgel'solorth: A exalted great unclean that's older than (Y/N) themself he dishes out life advice and plague in equal measures for the "young" prince, basically the uncle that's super chill and nice

Kharne the bronze bellower: a herald of khorne that can yell as good as he fights, his tongue is bronze and sharpened to a point, thinks himself your rival in fighting, gets beaten mostly but never quits his pursuit

Selincoth'elbrothel: A herald of slanesh this one is a rare case of seeking the excessive but in a good way, for she is the deamon of excessive wholesomeness and as such is seen as a oddity

Nuggie: this little guy is a blood hound of khorne and is completely loyal to (Y/N) and those with treats*

*by treats I mean skulls

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