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the group of six walked into the hall of our lady immaculate college, iggie's eyes wandered around the familiar room.

they all let out a collective groan (minus james) as they were stopped by jenny joyce, the newly appointed prefect that had some sort of vendetta against the group that iggie insisted was jealousy.

'hi, guys! could i just have a quick chat?'

iggie leant against james slightly as they all came to a stop, the tired girl deciding that she couldn't be bothered to hold up all of her weight, the english boy accepting his position as the brunette's support pillar.

'you must be new. i'm jenny. great hair - very.. bold. id love to go that short but sure, i don't have the bone structure.'

iggie, catching james' confused look and wanting jenny to get to the point, spoke up.

'ach jenny, he's a fella.'

jenny looked slightly mortified, wiping her hand on her blazer - the one that she had just used to shake james'.

'oh, i see. anyhoo..'

michelle rolled her eyes, the whole group were already sick of her and james was starting to catch on to why.

'anyhoo..' michelle mocked, before leaning closer to clare and iggie. 'seriously, shoot me in the face.'

she glanced at iggie as the girl nodded, miming a gun at michelle, who thanked the meadows girl for the support.

'this is a bit awkward, but part of my role as prefect is welcoming the first year students. and it's come to my attention that's there was some sort of an incident on the bus this morning.'

'there was no incident.'

'apparently, you guys threatened one of the new girls. said you was going to beat her up.'

iggie sighed, leaning further into james who gently interlocked pinkies with hers, squeezing it to show her that he was just as bored as she was.

'that's lies!'

'there were quite a few witnesses.'

'jesus fuck jenny, witnesses? we're not on trial.'

'no, i mean we said it, but- as a joke. as in, 'we're gonna beat you up' but, like, in a jokey way.'

'right. well, the thing is, that's not actually funny, is it? like, at all.'

'well, humour is so subjective really, so..'

'yeah jenny, you're not exactly the resident master of comedic genius here either, are you?'

jenny glared at iggie, while the group snickered slightly, michelle leaning behind clare to fist bump the girl.

'now, the wee girl claims that she's not bothered, but reading between the lines...'

'why are you reading between the lines?'

'i'm just not so sure that i believe her. i don't want to report you guys.'

iggie rolled her eyes, letting her head drop onto james' shoulder as she mumbled a 'yes, you do.'

'please don't report us, jenny. please! we'll do anything, anything at all.'

michelle reached out, grabbing clare. 'speak for yourself, sugar tits.'

iggie, equally irritated, lightly flicked clare in the back of the head.

'think i'll just have to mull it over.'

WHOS THAT CHICK ? - james maguire ! Where stories live. Discover now