Asthma at the concert

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You were sat backstage at the concert, you were finally getting the chance to sing with the One direction Boys after being their best friend for a long while. They knew everything about you, you never kept a secret from them. "Ready to go on?" Louis asked "Of course I am" you replied "Have you had your inhaler?" Niall asked, you knew you'd forgotten something "Yes" you lied. Harry came over "If you start to feel your chest tighten, I want you to nudge me" he said "Okay" you replied.

You headed out on stage with the boys. After the first three songs, smoke filled the stage, which you forgot about. It was almost your solo, you felt the tightening but chose not to say anything for now. You got through it perfectly fine. After that song there was a break so you and the boys went backstage, they went to get some water. You laid on your side, you hadn't realised they came back fairly quickly "(Y/N), where's your inhaler?" Harry asked, "I forgot it" you replied before coughing "Okay, let's get you sat up. Louis, go grab my spare from the bag, we've gotta give her something" he said. Harry sat you on his lap "Was this the smoke?" he asked, you nodded, the other boys watched concerned, Louis came back, he handed it to Harry to helped you take it.

You began to breathe slower and deeper "Sorry" you said "It's okay, next time tell us if you've forgotten it, I have always packed a spare, can you do the rest of the show?" Harry asked "I don't know" you replied, "How are you feeling?" Niall asked "Scared. My throat is sore as hell" you replied "There's no need to be scared, we're here." Liam replied. Paul came over "My god, did she have an asthma attack?" he asked "Yeah, the smoke got to her a little bit" Harry replied.

You went back on stage, they toned the smoke down, you just hoped you could actually perform. You managed to get through it all, once backstage after the final song, you sat down on the floor, Harry was worried about you "Are you okay, you're breathing a little bit quicker" he asked "I'm fine, just a little bit out of breath and really tired" you replied. He picked you up and carried you to the car, waiting for the boys to get in. They came in, seeing practically asleep on Harry's shoulder "I feel sorry for her. She doesn't look okay, I think's she's going to have another one tonight" Liam said "I hope not, she's exhausted" Niall said.

Back at the Hotel, Harry took carried you to the room, Paul came in "need anything before I turn in for the night?" he asked "Did you bring the nebuliser for emergencies?" Harry asked "Yeah, do you need it?" Paul asked "I think (Y/N)'s going to need it tonight, just for an hour" Harry replied "Did it inflame her lungs?" Paul said "Yeah, her voice has pretty much gone too, its just to be safe" Harry said "I'll bring it in" Paul said.

"(Y/N), I need you to wake up, I know you're tired but you need to get changed, have some water and be on the nebuliser for just an hour" Harry said, you groaned but the coughed, you got up and got changed in the bathroom, you had buttoned 4 of the buttons on your shirt, you walked in the room "Help me please?" you whispered "Okay, darlin' don't talk too much" he said. You drank a glass of water, Harry then placed an extra pillow under your head, Paul set up the nebuliser, Harry put the mask on your face "Just relax now, I'll lay with you, you can sleep at anytime" he said. You closed your eyes. The boys came in after going down for some dinner "How's her voice?" Liam asked "Mostly gone, she can only whisper. It might have been the smoke and something else" Harry said. 

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