Part 1

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"I'm going to go out for a bit." You inform Kili and Fili, your best friends. Kili looks up from the piece of wood he's carving. "Where are you going?" He asks. "I think I'm going to take Fephnir and go for ride." You answer, smiling. "You will be careful, won't you?" He says worriedly. "Kili, she'll be fine." Fili says, rolling his eyes, grinning. You chuckle and nod. "I promise I'll be careful." You say. Kili looks satisfied. "I'll see you both later." You say. "Have fun." Fili says. "I will." You reply, smiling. You walk to the stables and saddle Fephnir. You kiss his nose. "What do you say we go for a ride?" You whisper, grinning. He nods and you laugh. You scratch the black patch between his eyes. "Come on." You say. You mount Fephnir and ride out of the stables. The wind blows at you violently as Fephnir rides. You put a hand to your hair and take the bun out. Your hair tumbles down your back and soon gets carried away with the wind. You let out a shout of joy and kick Fephnir in the flanks. He darts forward, running.
As you near the thick forest, you pull the reins back. Fephnir ignores you and continues to head towards the forest. "Fephnir, stop!" You exclaim, pulling the reins back more. He defiantly ignores you and just runs faster. "Stop!" You shout. You duck from the low branches as Fephnir rides into the forest. "You need to stop!" You command, hugging his neck. You glance up and slowly straighten. A strange, piercing scream fills the air and you look behind you. You turn back and are immediately smacked off Fephnir by a large branch that smashed against your chest. Your back collides with the ground and you let out a groan. Fephnir runs off. You squeeze your eyes shut and take slow, deep breaths.
You push yourself up, your chest aching. Another scream fills the air and you look around. "Hello?" You call. You stand and rub your arms, trying to rid yourself of the sudden chills. "Kili, this isn't funny." You say. You brush yourself off and run a hand through your tangled hair. You turn back and start walking in the direction of home. Once you get out of the forest, you whistle for Fephnir. You wait a minute, wanting to hear his neigh. When nothing comes you bite your lip. You look back to the forest and sigh, your shoulders drooping. You hear the thrum of bow and then the whiz of an arrow. You gasp as you feel searing pain in your thigh. You look down at the arrow sticking out of your leg. You let out a cry and stumble to the ground. You stare at the forest, breathing heavily. Tears stream down your cheeks and you clench your teeth. Three Orcs walk out of the forest, one holding a bow, while the two others hold axes. Your eyes widen in horror. You push yourself up and limp forward, a small cry escaping your lips. They laugh at your pathetic attempt to escape. The Orc knocks another arrow and shoots you in the other leg. You scream and fall on to your stomach. You grip the grass, gasping. They walk towards you. "Let's give her a slow painful death." One suggests. "N-no." You stutter, dragging yourself forward. An Orc puts a foot on your back and presses down. "Get me a dagger." He commands. Another Orc hands him one. The Orc kneels on your back and slowly drags the knife across your back. You scream and cry, your back stinging. They laugh and you know it's just the beginning of your slow death.~
Kili looks out the window, his eyebrows drawing. He stands and watches as Fephnir dances wildly outside. "What's wrong?" Fili asks. "Fephnir is going crazy outside." Kili answers, frowning. "Maybe Y/N taught him a new trick." Fili says. "That's the thing: I don't see Y/N. Fephnir rode in by himself." Kili says, going to the door. He walks to Fephnir who dances crazier as Kili nears. "Whoa, whoa, Feph, what's wrong?" Kili asks, holding up his hands. The horse darts forward and then looks back to Kili. Kili stares at him and Fephnir moves his head, dancing in place. Kili's mouth slips open. "Fili, Y/N's in trouble!" He shouts, running to Fephnir. "What! How do you know?" Fili asks, coming out of the house. "I just know. Grab our swords, we need to go." Kili says, hopping on to Fephnir. Fili leaves and comes back a minute later on a horse. He gives Kili a sword and Fephnir rides off.~
You writhe on the ground in agony, sobbing. "This is taking longer than I thought." An Orc says, annoyed. "She has a lot more strength than I imagined." Another Orc says. "Let's just run a sword through her and end this." The third one says. You hear the sound of pounding and the ground rumbles. "What is that?" An Orc growls. "Y/N!" Kili screams. "Kili." You gasp. Fili and Kili are soon off of their horses. They come at the Orcs and quickly take them down. "Y/N..." Kili says, rushing to your side. He turns you over, his eyes wide with fear and burning with anger. "You're here. You came." You cry. "Of course I'm here." He whispers. "Fili, go and get a healer. She's going to die if she doesn't get help." Kili says. Fili nods and jumps back on his horse, riding off. Kili takes off his shirt and wraps it around your bleeding back and torso. You gasp, crying. "It-it hurts." You groan. "I know, Y/N, I know." He whispers. He brushes the dirt off of your face, his eyes filling with tears. "Don't-don't cry." You state, your voice cracking. He lets out a breath. "Can't help it." He says. "I can't stand watching the girl I'm in love with be in pain." Kili whispers. You stare at him, your eyes widening. "What?" You breathe. He nods, smiling. You smile and close your eyes, breathing slowly. "I love you too." You say. He kisses your forehead and you grip his hand. "Don't leave me." You whisper, opening your eyes. "I'm not going to leave you." He says. He gives you a kiss on the lips as Fili comes riding back with the healer. "We're going to get you help." Kili says. "You're going to be okay." He says. You look up at him and smile. You reach a hand up to his cheek and brush it gently. "I'm okay now." You say, staring into his eyes. Kili smiles and takes your hand. He kisses your fingers, staring down at you.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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