"But could you love a man like Sinbad who would run away?"

Marina kept silent as she nodded as if she didn't care if Sinbad runs away or not. With that, you noticed the ship and realized it was your crewmates. You knew that you had to go back Syracuse and saved Proteus from being executed.

In Syracuse, Prince Proteus stared at the sunset as he waited for the night came. People of Syracuse were witnessing the death of the future king along with Proteus's father and the ambassadors from the many countries. However, he realized that he couldn't let the executioner wait as he prepared to accept his face.

He knelt down to his knees and placed his head to the wooden block. He stared at the sunset as his father looked away as he didn't want to witness his own son's death. Just when the executioner raised his axe and swung down to Proteus's neck, the dagger interefered the cut the handle of the axe.

Everyone gasped and Proteus was starled as he stared his own reflection from the ax. He looked up to see Sinbad and his crew, climbing up to the top where the execution was taking place.

He stood up and watched Sinbad confronting him.

"I bet you thought I wouldn't make it." said Sinbad, clasping his old friend's hand.

"I was..." Proteus touched his neck as he was almost to get executed, but he was glad that Sinbad stopped the execution and came just in time. "beginning to wonder."

He gave Sinbad a friendly hug and then stared at him with a smile. He realized something when his friend returned.

"The Book?"

"I did my best. It wasn't enough." Sinbad answered.

"No," disagreed the prince, placing his hand on Sinbad's shoulder. "You came back anyway."

"How could I do anything else... my friend?

Proteus looked around and asked, "And where is she? Don't tell me she ran away."

"I'm here."

Proteus turned around to see you with Marina and Spike. You then stared at your crews with a sad smile as you silently told them that you won't forget them. They were like a family. You then hugged Spike as you whispered, "Bye, Spike. Take good care of Sinbad."

Spike whined as he licked your face.

You then walked towards the execution as you stared at the prince. Before you prepared to accept your death, you then turned at Sinbad with a somewhat smile.

"I'm glad I met you and your crew. Thanks for everything..." You gave Sinbad your last words.

Sinbad then gave you an embrace as he didn't say anything to you. After you broke a hug, you then walked towards the execution stand. You then knelt down on your knees and stared at the sunset. In your mind, you knew that this is how it should be. You returned here without retrieving the book and accepted your fate. You took a deep breath and placed your head while still staring at the sunset.

Sinbad then looked away while Marina held Spike and looked away as well. As you watched the sun beginning to fade, you then closed your eyes and prepared for the worst. And then...

By the time the executioner swung down his sword to your neck, its blade suddenly magically shattered. You then opened your eyes and you were confused that you were still alive. Staring at the pieces of the blade in confusion, you stood up from the execution stand and noticed the dark cloud appeared out of nowhere.

"Get back!" shouted the king.

Sinbad, his crew, Marina, and Proteus noticed something was about to happen after the execution became a failure for strange reasons. A mist tornado then appeared until you noticed a familiar gigantic god before you. None other than Eris, God of Discord himself. He then looked down at you, displeased.

Male Eris x Female Pirate ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now