You understood why Marina ended up inside the food supply room. Yet still, you knew that getting along with Marina might be difficult. Sure you were framed for stealing the Book of Peace and Prince Proteus came to your aid by taking your death sentence. You stared at Marina speaking with Sinbad, who was taking control of the steering wheel.

You noticed Marina didn't get along with the captain and sighed with dismay.

"Oh Sinbad... You're not very good with women other than me." You said to yourself.

After arriving the dark cold place called the Dragon's Teeth, you all witnessed the broken ships. According to Rat, foolish captains dared to sail their ship through the Dragon's Teeth.

Sailing through the Dragon's Teeth, you felt a cold shiver as you knew something wasn't right.

"Steady as she goes." commanded Sinbad.

"Rocks off the starboard now!" shouted Rat as he noticed rocks while sitting on the top of the mast.

Everyone kept their guard still as they were prepared to face the dangers ahead. Seeing the skulls, you wondered what killed the pirates when they entered the Dragon's Teeth.

And then... you all heard someone was singing. But where. There's no one around here.

"What is that sound?" asked Marina.

However, Sinbad hushed Marina as you noticed something wasn't right. You realized something as you noticed the beautiful voices.


And then, you noticed Spike was barking at something and you and Marin joined him to check something.

"What's wrong, Spike?" You asked.

You noticed a clear watery figure of a female swimming around.

"Sirens." Marina recognized.

"I should have known. They're using their voices to lure their victims!" You exclaimed.

You and Marina knew the sirens were trying to lure you all to your death. But you couldn't let them have their way.

You noticed the rapids and the ship made a bump.

"Sinbad!" shouted Marina and she then watched the crew not listening. "Jin? Li?"

"Come and get it, ladies!" shouted Luca after he took off his green vest to show off his very skinny body.

You groaned as you couldn't believe Sinbad and your crewmates were fallen victim to the sirens' voices.

"Kale?" asked Marina.

"Who's bad? Sinbad." muttered Sinbad.

Marina groaned as she said one word, "Men."

"They won't hear us and Spike, Marina. We have to take control the ship before we're gonna crash! You take the wheel now!"

Marina pulled Sinbad by the leg as she took his place.

You noticed the sirens splashing the waters at your crewmates and you knew that you couldn't let your crewmates to confront those vicious sirens.

You held the rope and told Spike by giving it to him, "Round the deck, Spike! Hurry!"

Spike held the rope and ran around the crew, tying them up. You heard Rat ranting "amore".

"Rat!" shouted Marina.

You knew that you had to stop Rat from seeing the siren and you took another rope only with a hook. You threw it over the mast and you swung around to save Rat from drowning. You pulled the rope and shouted, "Sorry Rat! But this is for your own good!"

Male Eris x Female Pirate ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now