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It was a sunny Saturday, and I ran out to meet up with kachan. "Izuku! Not so fast! You even forgot your shoes!" My mommy said, she holds my red-blue all might shoes. I'm a bug fan of all might! He's a superhero that saves everyone with a smile on his face. When he shows up, no one needs to be scared anymore. I hope I'll be such a great hero like him one day, when I discovered my quirk! Mommy helps me put on my shoes and I smiled of joy, I can finally meet kachan again! "Izuku, don't forget your jacket, you don't wanna catch a cold, do you?" My mom asked. I nicked and took on my jacket, sadly there weren't a all might jacket but at least a blue! Me and mommy walked up to the train station. It isn5 far away from our home so It doesn't take long. "Mom! Mom! Can I buy the tickets?" I asked "ofcourse izuku" she holds me up to the machine and told me what to type, I even put in the money! "Mom! When is the train coming?" I asked "soon enough izuku" my mom is the most quiet mom in the world but I love her! She also is the coolest in the world. I wait 15 minutes til the train comes. It was really boring but my mom borrowed me her phone and I watch all the all might videos I could find! He is so cool! "The train is here" she takes me by the hand and I keep watching all might videos. In the train a man comes towards us and Asked my mom out? No that's my mommy! "Oh my! That's really sweet but no thanks, sir" my mom says. I hold her arm and the man walked away "who was that?" I ask "Oh I don't know, he probably was drunk" "drunk?" "That's when you drink to much alcohol izuku" "ooh!~" I say with a understanding face. "Where there!" I yell. I ran auf the train doors and my mom comes after me. We walk to kachans home and auntie opens the door with a gentle smile. She invite's us in. I take of my jacket and kachan comes running up to me. "DEKUUU~!!" a young loud kid yells. It's kachan! He grabs me by the hand and takes me to his room. He shows me his new toys and I was Stundend to see the new all miyt limited edition figure!? "Whoa! So cool, kachan. Where did you get it?" I ask him with a curious look on my face. "My mom got it for me on my birthday! By the way, will you come to my birthday Party next weekend?" He is so sweet to me. When his friends are there he always says stuff like 'you can't do anything right, deku!' Or 'you will never be as good as me, deku!' But always with the 'deku' at the end of each Dialogue. "Yes ofcourse, kachan!" He smiles and it seems like his cheeks glowed.. red? Is it embarrassing to his that I want to come? "I don't need to come if you eventually don't want me to." I smile at him, ofcourse I'm sad about it but if I wasn't welcomed, then why should I come in ruhe first place, right? "What? No! I want you to come! Or else I wouldn't have invited you!" He says with his scratching, cute voice.
It's Saturday and also kachans birthday Party. My mom got me to his House and i already saw some of his friends who looked disgusting at me like I did something nasty. I gave kachan my present and he laughed at it to look cool. But as soon they Startet laughing he got mad and told them to stop. It's actually pretty werden but nice or him. The whole Party, everyone looked at me like I was an alien and it doesn't felt right. At one point I ran into the WC and waited til' it was over to leave. But still I thought it would be disrespectful so he just kept hiden but then kachan came and Asked me what I was doing here and I told him. He said "really? That's you reason?" He left me but I noticed that his friends Were with him so It made sense that He said that. I stayed at this place for a the rest of the party, I really didn't want to be laughed at again. „Hey izuku, we're cutting the cake now, are you sure you don't want a slice?" kachans mom said she sounded a bit worried but maybe I just thought it because I needed someone to worry about me. „No Im Fine.." I replied and I really tried to sound normal but I just couldn't. Maybe Kachin was right, I can't do anything, not even something like this! Why do I even care if I can sound normal or not? It's just a tiny thing nothing important. „Izuku are you alright, should i call inko?" she asked and I just knoded, the only thing I wanted right now was being home. She knoded aswell and called mom after that she told me that my mom was on her way to pick me up and then she just left to cut the cake. She cuted a slice and put it on a extra plate so I could get to eat a slice too even when i was home. That was very sweet of her. After a while, mom showed up to pick up. When i walked towards her, everybody started laughing „look deku can't even stay on a party for an hour!" „yeah how pathetic!" „he can't do anything without his mommy~" they said more then just that but I won't say everything they said because only thinking of those things they said makes me wanna cry. Talking about crying I started crying when I heard this words and the kids started laughing „Cry baby! Cry Baby! Cry Baby!" After that I cried even more. When I got home I just ran to my room and asked mom to turn on the computer so I could watch news about all might! He was the only one who made me happy. But this time I started crying because I remember that the doctor said last weekend that will never develop a quirk.. oh I didn't told you? Last weekend I needed to go home early because my mom wanted to get to the doctor with me so we would understand, why I didn't develop a quirk yet. And the result was that I would never develop a quirk. But back to the Story! I started crying and that for hours till I cried myself to sleep on the desk. Well now I'm 14, quirkless and no body likes me. After class I walk behind the school and took some notes but Kachin and his friends showed up. „Hey Nerd! What'cha doin?taking some notes?" he laughed at me and took away my note book „Kachan.. please give it back.." I said and tried to grab the note book but he just opened it and read these pages and started laughing at them „HAHAHA! What kind of a a quirkiest nerd would take notes of people with a quirk? Oh right! You do" he continued laughing „give it back kachan!" I stepped forward and tried to grab it, whil doing so I stepped in a water puddle. He squeezed the notebook a bit and saw how his hand started exploding! My notebook was now all burned you couldn't even se what was written in it „ops!? I think I distroyed it?" he bursted out laughing and his friends did the same thing. He thrower the notebook in the water puddle right infront of me „here you can have it back" „why are you so mean Kachan!?" i yelled back he looked furious after yelled „stop calling me Kachan you bastard!" he said and he sounded very aggressively. He pushed me down so that I directly fell in the water puddle and then he used his quirk on me. He burned my face, my arms, my legs, everything he could touch while I was just sitting on the ground, crying like a little kid. „You really are pathetic, deku.." with that he left with his friends and left me behind. I kept crying and mumbled, „I'm sorry... Kachan.."

"Go Take A Swan Dive Off The Roof!"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin