Chapter 9 - Monster Rush

Start from the beginning

Watching the grand line of carriages brought out dark feeling buried in the man's heart. He envious at noble and any well-off people who doesn't have worries in finance like him.

As he staring at them, a devious plan formed in his mind.

The man smiling darkly.

After a bit preparation, he rushed toward the center of the caravan where it was least guarded.

The pair Holicorn spotted him and Holicorn infant on his back and hurried chase him.

The caravan guard, who too late notice them, tried stop them.

Too late, the collusion was unavoidable.




"Like this?" (Arc)

"Yes, just do like that?" (Misha)

Following Misha awkward instruction, Arc was meditated, try to circulate mana inside him thorough his body.

Even though there's feeling his move was slightly rough, Arc succeeded circulate his mana.

Beads of sweats formed on his head, showed how deeply Arc was concentrating.

From side, Misha anxiously watching him, as she knows the difficulty Arc's facing.

Return to few minutes ago.

Out of boredom, Misha decided to teach Arc the art of meditation on her whim.

It's a technique can't be done unless someone is a Warrior or Magist.

She instructed Arc a simple form of meditation she know and got to present situation.

Truthfully, meditation actually harder than it's look.

Although in her previous world often mentioned about meditation, it's appeared as unknown technique in this world, as Misha never saw other perform any kind meditation.

Any kind mana circulating-like or level up Misha knew done through battle.

Misha thought it's troublesome and dangerous, since she couldn't just randomly pick fight and could lost her life. Misha who wants became stronger safely come up with meditation.

Misha successfully performed meditation in her first try. However, after tried meditation, Misha realized why no one never thought off this idea. It's because harder to circulate mana through meditation than fighting. If she scaled, it's about 1 of 100 efficiency.

However, there's no way for Misha threw herself in danger just to circulate her mana and she was not in hurry. Misha kept up with her meditation.

Her persistence rewarded. After meditation for two years, she noticed the vivid change in her technique. The efficiency of meditation turns better and better each day. By present, her meditation not worse than fighting.

The situation greatly baffled Misha.

The thought it'd waste to threw herself in needless battle firmed. She strongly wondering why there's no one come up with her idea.

It's true meditation was hard to perform and inefficient at beginning. However, it's turn out the technique would turn better as they mastering the technique.

Misha pulled herself from daydream, return to observe Arc.

She feels Arc quite slow to catch her instruction. She ignored the fact her instruction was awkward.

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