"You know them." James breathed out. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Prongs, I promised to not reveal their identities to you. I know you will give me those puppy dog ​​eyes that I  taught you and get your answers if you knew that I met them. So, I had to hide it from you." Sirius said and James groaned clutching his abdomen. 

"Why is my stomach hurting? I broke my rib, right?" James asked Severus. He frowned looking at James. 

"There is something clearly wrong with James. Something terribly wrong." Severus said looking at Sirius. 

"What should we do?" Sirius asked him. 

"I don't know." Severus sighed and looked back at James who was crying again in pain. Sirius was sitting beside him and trying to comfort him. But, it doesn't look like it's working on James as he started crying even more after some time. 

"Go to him and tell him what's happening. I don't fucking care if the other two knows about poison. Just tell him that there's something wrong and James' condition is terrible." Sirius said to him. 

"Yes, I'll go now." Severus nodded before rushing to the ROR. Severus flooed to the manor and saw the man still sitting in the room, but Lucius and Rodolphus weren't in the room anymore. 

"What's wrong? You look-" "There's no time. James is not at all in good condition. His stomach is hurting. He is crying non-stop. He took a pain reliever just ten minutes back and yet it isn't working on him. The pain passed to his stomach now." Severus said and the man narrowed his eyes in thought. 

"The stupid girl must've made some mistake during the making of potion. We can't help James if we don't know how the girl made the potion. I need to look into her memories myself and see what's going on." He said and Severus looked anxious. 

"But, how?" Severus asked him. 

"Polyjuice." He answered and Severus looked shocked. "We don't have another option. Also, I need to check on James myself."

"Is it going to be fine?" Severus asked a bit nervous as it won't end well if Dumbledore caught a whiff of this. 

"Trust me." He said before calling an elf to get the polyjuice from the potions lab. "Now your hair?"

"What about your clothes?" Severus asked. 

"I can transfigure them or something. Don't you worry. It won't be a much of problem at all." He said to him. 

"Ok. Be careful." Severus said when he saw the man transformed into himself. He waved his hand over himself to change his clothes to look like Severus' school robes. He even changed his wand to look like Severus'. "Hurry up and go."

"Yes boss." He said sarcastically and left leaving Severus dumbfounded. Wait! Did he just order that man and instead of getting angry, he joked with him? 

"Don't leave the place at any cost." The man warned before leaving. The fake Severus forgot to ask where James was staying currently. He took his wand out and 'point me James!' He said quietly and followed to the head boy and girl dorms. He said the password when he used to be a head boy and found that even Gryffindors have the same one. Idiots! He thought to himself and went to James' dorm. The wards stopped him, but he isn't a kid to be stopped by those wards and with a wave of his wand, he manipulated the wards to let him in.

"Severus, what happened? What did he say?" Sirius asked looking up from James who was still crying in pain. 

"I'm not Severus, Heir Black." He said going to sit on other side of James. 

"You- Here- What?" Sirius stuttered. 

"Hush, do me a favor and go find where is Evans, will you? I need to be quick." He said and Sirius nodded his head leaving the room completely trusting him with his sick friend. 

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