He Likes Me, He Likes Me Not - NeonJackalPenguin

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“What? Where?” I stopped abruptly in the middle of the path, looking everywhere I could. Red laughed her head off at the expression on my face.

“Alyx, you meerkat. He’s over there!” she pointed to some way off in the distance next to the entrance to the college.

“Ha, I knew that…” I gave Red a guilty look as she shook her head. We made our way up the remainder of the hill in which was now Lincoln College territory. Students swarmed the entire area yet I only had my eyes on one lad. Every other person was completely blanked out when he was around, they didn’t matter to me. I always got that tingling feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever I saw him or even spoke to him. Apart from Red, he seemed to be the only person who understood me entirely. Yet the feelings I had for him were immensely frustrating. He was supposed to be my friend yet I saw him as something more. I’d told him of my feelings and he’d been rather vague in his response. He’d only just broken up with his girlfriend, maybe a couple of months back now so he wasn’t quite prepared for a relationship yet. But I always thought there was this heat and electricity between us. I’d made friends with him in my Psychology class and something between us had just clicked. Myself, him and Red were something like a trio now; we were inseparable. However I still craved more. To me, he was stunning. Like he was once a Greek God and had been carved out of delicate marble to show others how prolific he was. He definitely made my heart tick. The bad thing was, I had to wait to see if he liked me back, to see if he could return those strong feelings in which I held for him. I wish he’d tell me soon, whether it was best for us to stay friends or whether he wanted something more too…

“My girls!” Jay called, looking up from his phone and beaming a perfect smile at the both of us. “Alright?”

He hugged us both in turn, slipping his arms around me for just a fraction longer than he did for Red. I could feel the heat from him radiating onto my face, making me blush considerably.

“Have you heard about this party?” Jay asked as we began to make our way into college.

“What party? There’s a party?” Red’s ears pricked up and Jay chuckled.

“Yes. Some of the lads in our Psycholoy are organising it, Alyx,” he gave me a twinkly smile and I gave him one right back, my heart just about ready to jump out my chest. “Anyone’s welcome. Except…”


“You have to bring a date,”

An awkward silence fell over the three of us. We all knew about my feelings for Jay, but we never ever spoke about it as a three. I spoke about it all the time with Red, seeing as she was my best friend but it was a sort of ‘elephant in the room’ topic whenever I was just with Jay.

Red broke the silence with, what sounded like, a pissed off sigh. “Guess I’ll be staying home that night.”


“You two are bound to go together and it’s not like I can go on my own. Who else is going to ask me to go?” she frowned.

“Well,” I bypassed the fact that she’d literally just said something about me and Jay out loud. “Lucas! He’s a nice lad. In your English class.”

“What about Luis?” Jay inclined yet Red gave him a death stare. Uh oh.

“Why do you even have to bring him into the conversation? You don’t know me at all. You were right Alyx, all lads are douchebags,” and with that she glared at Jay and then hot footed it down a corridor towards her first lesson.

I blinked emotionlessly at Jay and then slapped him on the arm. “Why’d you do that?!”

“I’m sorry! I completely forgot about the Luis thing! Shit,” he slapped his own cheek, a hint of a smile appearing on his face.

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