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Ashwathama looked at Vasusen whose eyes twinkled in mirth and affection on speaking about Kauravas. He smiled softly but heard Vasusen,"So, decide yourself... If you want to be their friend, you should be very understanding and calm. Also, believe me, you'll get my amazing self as your friend too!! Great right??"

Ashwathama shook his head in amusement saying,"So, full of yourself, huh??" Vasusen gave a smirk saying,"Well, you didn't detect any lies though, right??" Ashwathama chuckled. We'll...no wonder in that...Vasusen is a good mind changer... He have to appreciate his quality..

Atlast he smiled saying,"Thanks for making me understand, Vasusen!!" Karn stood up dusting his palms saying,"It's okay, Ashwa. God gave me brains to help people like you who have no brains!!" Ashwatthama splashed water on Vasusen who chuckled saying,"Truth will hurt, Mitr Ashwa!!"

Ashwathama looked at Vasusen with wide eyes asking,"You consider me as your friend too?" Karn gave one look to him saying,"Ofcourse! Believe me when I'm saying this.. I'll not go and talk randomly to a person casually. And if I talk like that, then the person is important to me!!" He smiled genuinely at Ashwathama saying,"I'm really happy that Duryodhan found you as a friend. Thanks for stopping him from fighting Pandavas. I heard this from Kauravas who said that you always tried to pacify him. I really hope we three will stay in friendship forever. Advance thank you for accepting me as your friend too!"

Ashwathama shook his head softly chuckling at Vasusen. Damn, this boy is interesting. He asked,"So you have soft corner for Pandavas, huh?? That you are so happy that Duryodhan did not fight with them"

Karn shook his head saying,"Except the little Pandav, I'm not fond of anyone. If someone has to face the Pandavas, it will be me. They are arrogant but also powerful... Arjun's strength in bow and arrow is good, the others also. Thus, when I face them, I know how exactly I should handle them unlike Suyo who will take his Gadh and try to break their head!!" Ashwathama laughed. He stood up asking,"Do you think I'll survive from Kauravas??" Karn mounted on his horse saying,"No promises! But endure it! You are a warrior afterall!!"

Ashwathama looked at him smiling sarcastically and said,"Oh how helpful you're Mitr Vasu! You're my life saviour!!" Karn smiled back saying,"What to say, Ashwa, I live to take care boys like you!" Ashwathama slapped his shoulder shouting,"Oh Shut up, you arrogant brat!!" Both the men who found new friendship moved towards deep forest, their laughter echoed over the lush and evergreen forest.

After it seems for few minutes, they reached the place where Kauravas took sleep. Everyone were already awake and on seeing Ashwatthama, Duryodhan shouted,"Mitr Ashwa, are you alright?" Ashwathama was so touched and he hugged Duryodhan saying,"Sorry Mitr! I shouldn't have done that!!" Duryodhan pried himself away saying,"Ofcourse, you shouldn't have done that! Aargh, where is my Gadh when I needed that!!"

Everyone laughed when Duryodhan punched Ashwathama on his stomach while Karn being Karn shouted,"Me too me too!" Ashwathama gave one look of disbelief groaning,"What the- I'm not some punch bag you stupid!!" Karn pouted saying,"So you won't let me punch you? I'm sad!!" Ashwathama rolled his eyes. He is already regretting his life decisions. Is it too late to break the friendship. Yes....

When the sun finally set, the moon reached the horizon with a brightest glow while Karn get ready to cook for all. They moved towards lake so that they can get water easily and The Kauravas got all sort of meat, vegetables, greens and fruits they could get. Currently they all were trying to clean the materials they brought. Only Karn knows how to handle the cooking while Ashwatthama who had helped his mother once, assisted him.

When both the friends set the fire for cooking, they turned around only to see Duryodhan sleeping peacefully. Their heart almost softened at the sight but please they both are his best friends. They are not going to let him have peace. That too Ashwatthama who was spending an hour with Vasusen came out of his complicated self to a very jovial one. Hmm... Vasusen's effect!!

💜THE BEAUTIFUL JOURNEY💜- A Different Point Of ViewOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz