"Completely unorthodox or complete oxymoronic I don't think either one makes justice of a warlock or a shaman wearing the look of a priest" Suddenly there seemed to be a flicker of the lampshade torch lights, and suddenly went out putting me in complete darkness. Given the fact that it was still really dark, the sun hadn't even risen yet. I blinked and looked into the mirror and this time a giant canine seemed to step out and through the mirror made of blue glowing energy, blinking black energy that reflected my reaction as I looked up at the shadow walked out of the mirror, and was quite off.

 Now, what exactly was I going to do with a giant wolf shadow in the middle of my room? Uhhhh panic? I leaped back off my bed and fell off my bed with an "ouch" and I jumped forward and in a panic swiped at the creature with my knife, energy forming in my hand, which explained why suddenly there was a massive explosion of light that destroyed the mirrored closet doors and blew a hole in the wall behind it with a large explosion and a boom. When the torchlight went back on the creature was nowhere to be seen. I blinked, sure that I was not tripping. I looked around at the room, there were windows a balcony, twin beds, and pictures on the wall it was a moderately technologically advanced room, with a shattered mirror, curious. Sighing I turned away and walked out of the room into a long open hallway, a tube hallway and I can only imagine how big it was. Sighing I turned and started to run down the hallway, unsure if that thing was gonna follow me or even if it was something to worry about.

 I closed my eyes for a second stoked my left and right thigh, and took a deep breath. "TNIRPS" And with that, the energy awoke in my legs, and as if I was running a treadmill on ten-speed I was running through the mansion, keeping up with the pace of my heart as If I could sense the creature following me, constantly tracking me I needed to find Judas, Aurora, and Armand. I ran, and sped through the hallway, down the corridor into a balcony overlooking the stairway, and at this point, with how much speed I worked up I just jumped it and fell a good 10 to 20-25 feet, but not before watching Armand rush to my side as I was falling, their mansion was a good distance off the ground and I should know because even as I jumped from the gate at the coliseum, this distance fall was easily doubled.

"Caleb have you lost it?" berated Aurora.

"yeah What possessed you to leap off the highest point of stairs? Babe help me" Armand called next to him and followed my lead. Stroking his left and right thigh I heard faintly "PAEL" And he leapt hard and fast easily sending himself airborne.

Aurora nodded and pointed her hands up pointed towards me falling and Armand jumping.

"narorua ten: llesp eneg" As she spoke a sort of spider web of light began to spin out of the space between her two hands and as soon as she grunted it sped out from her in the form of a bright lit net that cut my falling momentum in half and caught me off guard, as soon as I lost the momentum I was more prepared to fall and it was at this point that Armand caught me as we both made a touchdown.

I blushed clearly embarrassed because I could tell I was gonna get the ninth degree.

"Ok kid explain why you seem to have a death wish if you want more training then let's go out into the city and we'll run you out some more, but seriously-".

"-Seriously don't go making us worry about you doing something over the top like leaping off our mansion balcony" Aurora took over. "-we get your cooped up and we get the past couple of years after the attack from the gondoliers haven't been easy for you so lets sit down and have a chat now what is judas going to say when he finds out you jumped off the balcony? First off we dont have the means to keep the church off of us if either of you get hurt or if you break something-"

Suddenly the third force spoke up.

" -speaking of breaking something, I would like to know why your bedroom has a hole in the wall, and while your mirror door is busted, why you were using a Sprint spell and yes jumping off the balcony, Caleb your not making much sense right now I just saw you a little while ago and you said you were fine then"

Trials Of Fire and water 2: the travels of the outcastWhere stories live. Discover now