You washed your hands and went to go change. You started to pack your clothes in a suitcases. You didn't have much clothes since ur parents only spend their money on drugs. You could fit your whole room into that suitcase, so you did. You looked at the piggy bank and put it in the suitcase too. You went through your parents and their stuff and found about 2k dollars. You were surprised about how many money you found.

You shoved it into your suitcase to and grabbed your mom's sweater that you loved wearing. You put your suit case next to the door and went to go get all the snacks and drinks you could find and shoved them into the backpack that you used for school (university). You also shoved some knifes to keep yourself safe. You went to go get your dad, you dragged him up to the fire place. Thank god you were going to the gym. You went to go get some gasoline poured it over them and lit them up in fire. Soon the whole house would be on fire too.

You ran out of the house with your bag and suitcase. You went into the woods, and ran for 20 minutes until you were completely lost. While you were running you felt and heard someone following you. You shrugged it off knowing that you're probably overthinking or being paranoid.

You continued to wander around the forest until you found this cabin. It looked abandoned. You knocked on the door and waited, after 5 minutes you knocked again. This time the door just opened on its own. You didn't wanna go in, after all in every scary movie the person who is dumb enough to go dies. All of the sudden a large dog started approaching you. It looked like it was gonna bite you so you ran inside and shut the door. You looked around the cabin and it looked like if someone has been living here. You yelled, "Is anybody here?!" no response. You shrugged it off. All of the sudden you heard wood creak. You looked around while panicking. No one was there. You just settled on walking away from the sound.

You came across this staircase, it led to a basement. It had a door on it, which was already wide open. You put your suitcase next to the stairs and went down there. The first thing you smelled is something rotten. You ignore it since after all it was abandoned. The more you went down the stairs the more you felt like you were being watched. You shrugged the feeling off, as soon as you got to the end you turned your head and there was a dead body.

You stayed still and started at it in shock. All of the sudden someone grabbed you from behind and put a cloth over your mouth. You could smell 'alcohol' as your vision went black and you passed out.

Ghostface's POV

As y/n passed out, her body became heavier since she couldn't hold her self up anymore. I picked her up bridal style and went up stairs to my bedroom. I set her down, moved my mask so only my lips showed and was about to give her a kiss.... but i realized that it wasn't alright for me to do that without consent. I pulled my mask back on and sighed. She had a rough day today, I saw everything that went down. I was surprised when she didn't even shed a tear or hold back.

I went to go get her belongings and placed it inside the room. I decided to go kill some more people today. I grabbed my knife and went out of the cabin to go kill some pathetic teenagers.

I ran across this one group, they were hiding something but I shrugged it off. They were all vaping so I didn't think anything about it. I gripped my knife tightly as one of the kids had to go piss.

They went to the bush. I carefully went to the bush trying not to make a sound. Good think the bush was pretty far away from the other kids. As he zipped he pants back on I jumped out of the bush and covered his mouth. I put the knife up to his neck and cut it open. He tries to scream and keep it from bleeding but he fails. I then stabbed him in the heart making sure that I stabbed him in the right place.

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