"Okay.." he says as I think

"So, if you dont mind my asking, you're twelve right?" I ask and he nods

"Ahhh so that's why you got embarrassed when I bowed" I say as he stays silent so I smirk

I pick him up and put him on my shoulders as he gasps

"Wh-what are you doing?" He asks nervously and embarrassed

"Having fun! Hang on tight" I say before starting to run as ryu quickly holds onto me

He's still a kid, so he has to have his fun sometimes

As we run around I keep and eye out for anybody but see no one, I jump down and climb up at times catching ryu by surprise but nothing to extreme to make him fall. Just to have some fun in the thrill factor :)

But after a bit passes I decide it's a good time to head to the room, so we do so but I climb a bit and jump to get to the balcony not letting ryu fall so when we get to my old room balcony I set ryu down and open the door

"Had fun?" I ask and after a moment he nods

"Scary but thrilling right?" I say with a slight smile and he snickers slightly before nodding with a smile

"..it was fun" he says as my smile widens slightly

"Yeah, I bet obi would do the same with you to" I say as ryu looks around the room

"Maybe.." he says and I snicker

"Dunno maybe sometime me or obi can you into town or around places, we might be able to find new herbs and have some fun" I say and after a moment he nods

"..that'd be nice.." he says hesitantly so I smile

"Alright, it's a plan. I'll let you sleep though..see you tomorrow" I say and he says bye before I walk out to the balcony shutting the door behind me

I jump off the ledge, landing on my feet before going back to shirayuki's room to see she's still in the bed sleeping so I sit at the window watching the stars a bit before hearing a whistle so I look around and see obi in the tree a little bit away from me

I glance at shirayuki once more before jumping a bit to the tree obi's in

"Hey cat, what's up?" I say getting to the branch next to him so I face towards him

"Hey, what happened with the dance thing?" He asks curiously but also cautious

"Uhh..the dance practice thing starts tomorrow.." I say leaning with my back against the tree now not exactly the most excited

"Are you actually going to wear a dress?" Obi asks with a snicker obviously smirking

"Dunno, I doubt any of the guards are confident enough to get even near me and teach me how to dance, so we'll see" I say and obi hums

"That's true..if it makes you feel better I'll be going with you and miss to tanbarun" obi says and I look at him a little bit shocked

"So zen chose you to guard us?" I ask and he snickers

"Something like that, yeah" he says before I snicker

"So you'll have to wear an actual uniform instead of your usual clothing" I say smirking and he sighs

"And I'll see you in a dress" he says smirking again so I chuckle

"iiiif you're lucky" I say having my own idea so he snickers before it stays in a comfortable silence for awhile

"What happened with ryu?" He suddenly asks not taking his eyes off the stars

"What, a few minutes ago?" I ask and he nods

The Assassin Way (Obi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now