"He'll be here," Mike says.

"Are you sure?" I say turning to MIke.

"Yeah," Mike says. I roll my eyes. I know Will's not coming today.

"Are you guys gonna stand there or are you going to help?" Lucas asks Dustin, throwing him a stick. We start poking the trash bag, looking for dart. Eventually, the bell rings and we head into the school.

~ ~

The lunch bell rings and we decide to eat outside on the steps. I'm chatting with Max as Mike heads over to the phone. I watch as he gets a worried look on his face and rushes over to us.

"We need to talk. AV room. Right now," he pants. He stands up and starts to head inside. "Party members only," Mike says as Max starts to follow us.

"Come on Mike," Dustin sighs.

"No this is non-negotiable," he says. I roll my eyes and give Max a sympathetic smile. We follow Mike into the AV room and he locks the door.

"Will didn't want us to tell anyone, but on Halloween night he saw a sort of shadow in the sky," Mike explains.

"A shadow?"

"What kind of shadow?" Dustin asks.

"We don't know," I say.

"But it scared him," Mike added. "And if Will really has true sight, I mean, if he can see into the upside-down, maybe he saw the shadow again yesterday."

"So that's why he was frozen like that," I say.

"Maybe," Mike sighs.

"Can it hurt him? I mean, if this shadow thing isn't from our world......" Lucas starts.

"I'm not sure, Dustin?" Mike asks looking at him.

"Well if you're in another plane you can't interact with the material plane," he says.

"So theoretically, no the shadow can't hurt him," I finish.

"Yeah if that's even happening. This isn't D&D, this is real life.

"So what do we do?" Lucas asks us.

"We acquire more knowledge. I'll go to Will's after school, see what's going on. You guys start here and find dart."

"Dart? What's he got to do with this?" Dustin asks.

"Will heard him in the upside-down. I don't know how yet, but he's connected to all of this. He's got to be. If we can find Dart. maybe we can solve this thing. Maybe we can help Will," Mike says. I look over at Dustin and he looks at me, scared. He looks away quickly. I know what he's hiding from us. 

The bell rings and we split off to our classes.

~ ~

School eventually ends and I race out to my bike. I see Dustin leave the school and I jump on and race after him.

"Dustin wait!" I yell. He stops and waits for me to catch up. "You have Dart," I say to him. His face falls.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. He sighs.

"Because you guys were gonna hurt him and he's innocent," Dustin says as we start to peddle again.

"Dustin, if Mike is right, and I'm positive he is, Dart might be connected to all of this. We need to tell the others," I say. He slowly nods and I follow him to his house. We rush inside his room and I close the door.

"Dart, we've got to talk to you buddy, it's about our friend Will," he says as we take off our coats. I follow him over to the cage on his desk and he pulls off the blanket.

"I think....."

"Oh shit," I say. Me and Dustin bend down to see a large hole in the tank with a sticky substance dripping from it.

"Dustin, what the hell?" I whisper. He picks up a white, sticky thing from the cage and holds it up. Skin.

"What the hell?" he says. He drops it when we hear a screech coming from the room. We turn to look at the corner where the noise seemed to come from. I look at Dustin and we slowly walk over.

We look at the carpet and our breathing starts to increase when we notice the blood trail on the carpet and up the chair. The screeching continues as we slowly look behind the chair. Dart has has no grown to be bigger than a cat. Like the one he was eating. My heart stops beating and i can hear Dustin inhale beside me.

"Dustin...." I whisper. Dart looks at us a lets out a blood curdling screech.

"Holy Shit."

My World / Stanger Things (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now