Zack we're in Public.

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"Ya ya... just make sure your muted next time." And with those final words, Player hung up and Carmen was face palming herself a million times.

  "What was that about?" Gray said as he sat down on the couch.
"Oh nothing. Player uh- wanted to tell me that he was doing homework."
Carmen sat on the couch next to Hray and let out a long sigh.

"So.. what are we?" Carmen said turning over to face Gray.

"Well. I think were a couple now right?" Gray said as he smiled. They both wanted to hear those words ever since the first met.

"Glad to hear it. I think we better get going sometime soon. I promised Zack and Ivy icecream."

  Carmen and Gray both sat up and got their shoes on. (And coats)
Who knew a 'tango on t.v' could end up 'in kisses on me'

(Hah.. see what I did there? No..? Ok ok I'll go.)

They eventually got to the icecream shop called 'Cookie Nooky' and walked in.

The smell of cookies n creme icecream was all you could inhale.
It didn't take long to find where Zack and Ivy were sitting since all you heard was slurping of icecream.

"Hey Carm!" Ivy said as she got up and hugged Carmen.  "Hey! Hope we didn't take too long." Carmen sat next to Ivy and looked at the menu.

  "Hey Crackle!" Zack said as he gave Gray a high five. Even though both of his hands had icecream in it, it didn't stop him whatsoever.

They all sat down and listened to Zacks weird childhood stories.

"One time, I was the Easter bunny on Halloween, and I pooped in the costume!" Zack said excitedly eating icecream. It was about 4 stories in when we were about to throw up.

  "Ok uhm. Zack I think your becoming delusional so calm down on the icecream." Carmen said as she pulled his icecream out of his hand.

"But- I didn't tell you about when I ate a crayon!"

"Alrighty that's enough!" Ivy grabbed all of Zacks icecream cones and threw them away.

  "Ivy!!! Why would you do that!?" Zack yelled. Almost everyone in the store was staring and made everything veryyyyy awkward.

"Hey mate- I don't know if you heard of human decency, but we're in public!" Gray said whisper screaming to Zack.

(new chapters soon! Thank you for reading! next chapter is all of Zacks stories he told. Love u jaegars)



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