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[f/p= favorite pattern and f/c = favorite color]

It was nighttime but in the big city was bright. Tanjiro was having a hard time focusing on what he was doing


"Yes n/n-chan?"

"Are you ok?"

you ask while tilting your head to the side as your h/c swayed as well as your  f/c f/p  kimino with the movements of your head. Your actions were just too cute it made his heart melt and forget about everything that was happening

"N/n-chan why don't we get some udon"


he just let out a chuckle before connecting hands walking out of the town looking for a place to eat.

"here you go n/n-chan go sit with Nezuko-chan on the bench,okay?"

"Hai onii-chan"

as Y/N skipped her way to sit with Nezuko-chan on the wooden bench the only lights up here was the ones from the town down below, the ramen shop, and the one light pole beside the bench.

"nee-san look at onii-chan eating the noodles"

you said giggling Nezuko looked over to see her elder brother slurping down the noodles as the watched in shock


Tanjiro yelled doing a 90° bow and walked over to them

"Onii-chan were the noodles good?"

"Yes n/n-chan, how are yours?"


You replied while kicking your legs in the air careful not to spill your udon. After a few minutes you were already done eating while Nezuko rested her head on Tanjiro's shoulder slowly drifting to sleep but quickly jolted up when he suddenly jumped up running leaving Nezuko and Y/n alone knowing a five year old quickly got up and followed her tiny legs trying to keep up with her onii-chans

she was finally able to catch her breath once he stopped and grabbed someone's shoulder y/n got beside him once those two had a staring contest


Tanjiro slowly turned his head down to see you tugging onto his haori

"N/n-chan?!, shouldn't you be with Nezuko?"

"But you ran off and I was scared"

"daddy who's that?"

"I don't know 'dear'"

"Wow you're so pretty mister!"

Y/n said with practically stars in her eyes as he stared at her with confusion then puts a smile on his face

"so are you little one"

"Onii-chan, onii-chan, did you hear that he called me pretty!"

she said while jumping up and down from excitement Tanjiro quickly lifted her up not liking that she's talking to the man who killed his family and turned his sister into a demon not mentioning the fact that he has aan actual smile o his MOTHER FUCKING MICHEAL JACKSON WALLMART BRAND LOOKING ASS point aside he was pissed he only wanted YOU pay attention to him soon once his wife came  he decided to turn some passerby into a demon Tanjiro gently placed you on the ground not wanting you to get hurt when he was tackling the demon to officers came over and asked what was going on then a pretty lady and a mint patty showed up and helped them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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