─── ⚝𓄹٠٘ xlvii. 𝗌𝖾𝖼𝗋𝖾𝗍'𝗌 𝗈𝗎𝗍

Start from the beginning

Belle nodded, looking very pleased and happy that they were going to have another sleepover again. "Alright, I'll change on mine."

With that, two girls departed to their own rooms, with Stella struggling to get the heirloom out of her neck. She wanted to rip off the diamond accessories on her body if possible.

"For the love of Merlin, why won't it—" Stella was cut right off when someone on her door arrived. "Woolly! Thank Godric! help me out of this bloody necklace."

Except it wasn't her house-elf, it was Lucius Malfoy.

"Need help?" said Lucius, as he came in the room with his button-up shirt loose and his long blonde hair was slightly out of place.

Stella wanted to say no, she wanted to refuse anything from Malfoy, but something in her wanted his help, in fact she felt like as if she was desperate for it. "Yeah."

Lucius walked over to her, Stella felt chills run down her spine as he managed to take the jewelry off so smoothly, and even after he was done, his hand was still lingering on the nape of her neck.

"Thank y—" fumbled Stella, but was cut right off when she quickly turned around causing her face to almost collide on Lucius'

For a good 10 seconds, all they did was stare at each other, Lucius could feel his heart beating faster every second as Stella didn't pull away.

So, before she could have the chance to do so, Lucius closed off the small gap and connected his lips on hers, kissing her so gently at first then roughly.

And with that unfamiliar lust and infatuation swirling around her stomach, she let herself melt under Lucius' touch and kissed back, him taking advantage on the kiss made her let out small gasps that made him deepen the kiss even more.

All of that was possible if it weren't for the love potion in Stella's drink.

Stella and Lucius got looks when both of them stepped into the train together. The latter was holding her hand tightly so she couldn't escape, he was about to drag them into a compartment, but once they were inside, Stella yanked Lucius' hand away.

"Personal space, every heard of it?" said Stella, glaring at the boy.

"Now, now, that's not what you said on New year's eve." said Lucius with a smirk on his face.

Stella scrunched her nose up, not knowing what the bloody hell he was talking about. "You must be talking nonsense because I don't remember any events of us together the other day."

Lucius raised an eyebrow at her. Maybe she was too drunk to remember, but no, she didn't even drink champagne or wine that night.

"Fine, go." said Lucius, bitterly. "But remember what your father said, Stella. Lessen your hang-outs with your blood-traitor friends, they might think you're not engaged to someone when you bloody are."

"Oh, I'm well aware." retorted Stella. "How can I possibly forget the most unfortunate thing that's ever happened in my life?"

Lucius was too embarrassed to speak, so, he only watched as she was walking away from him.

Harsh clicking of her heels was all that can be heard besides from how was the train was going on the rail tracks. Stella avoided the marauders' compartment because she needed to avoid them. To stay away from them.

But that didn't seem possible when James Potter had pulled her inside an empty compartment.

"Hi." breathed out James.

𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅║𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now