*✧・゚:*Chapter 6: The Confession*✧・゚:*

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------Y/N's POV-------

I just posted off my letter for my Mother but I can't stop thinking about Johnny flipping Joestar. I mean, he kissed me?! Well, on the cheek anyway, but that doesn't matter! His lips were so soft. That's it I know for sure I love him so much. My beautiful childhood best friend. I want him to be my boyfriend. I'm too nervous to go back and see him again.  Of course I want to see him but its going to be so awkward between us. It's a nice morning, maybe I'll do some more shopping to ease off my head. Yeah that sounds nice.

----Johnny's POV----

Me and Gyro were on our way back but Gyro was screaming the whole time about what I did. 

"Johnny oh my god you really just did that to her. I really ruined the tension you guys had back there."

This is so embarrassing, out of all people to see its Gyro, Gyro please let me live my love life.

"S-shut up Gyro! I do that to all my close friends you wouldn't understand!" 

Gyro stared at me blankly then started bursting out laughing.

"Yeah sure you do! Give Diego a little kissy next time you see him then!"

"GYRO! I said close friends!"

"Didn't you say you liked her a while ago, Oh yeah you said I wanna "I wanna kwiss hwer so bwadly!"

"G-Gyro firstly shut up, secondly why are you so werid?"

"I was only quoting you so you're the werid one!"

We made our way back somehow.

"Where's Y/N..." I whispered to myself.

"Try not to think about her so much you good old fashioned lover boy!"

"Gyro what if she is in a fight! Or she's making out with Dio, or she's to embarrassed to come back! Or or-"

He started laughing then said "Oh Johnny you are killing me today! But if you are so worried go look for her! I'll wait here for you I need more rest after yesterday's fight anyway."

"F-Fine! Bye Gyro."

------Y/N's POV--------

I decided to take a stroll since I forgot there's barely any money on me. I found this nice little area in town with a bench and birds. I bought some bread and sat on the bench then fed the cute little birds. But there was only one little problem in this area..

"Ugh there's icky bugs! Flying ones too! I hope I don't get bug bites..."

Suddenly I felt breathing down my neck. I turn really quickly.

"Get away- Oh it's only you Johnny phew you scared me!"

"W-well I didn't mean to scare you! It's just you mentioned something that caught my attention so I... well..."

"Well it doesn't matter now! Come sit with me, we can feed the birds together!"

"W-Well I can't say no to you.."

He left his wheelchair beside the bench. He sat beside me looking down at the birds. He's so pretty I can't take it! Is his face red? That's when it hit me. He kissed me on the cheek! Is he thinking about that? He must feel so embarrassed around me. Does he like me? Well I don't want him to feel awkward around me.

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