28. Forget Me Not

Start from the beginning

She took a deep breath, starting to talk with faltering words, "he's stupid, annoying, I mean really annoying, but he is sweet. He's kind of crazy, but he's real. He is a joker but he is so adorable at time. He irritates me like hell, but then he really cares about me. He is...he is...he is perfect, you know." She had a bitter smile hanging from her lips. Bitter than Shiraz wine.

"It's normal," he whispered. "That's just the way love works."

It warmed her heart that at least he valued her enough not to make a mockery of her feelings. Value enough to believe that she too can fall in love. She turned her face to Yaga and gathered the courage to utter her following words while squeezing the sheets tightly.

"I am no fool. I know he is not mine." Have anyone heard the song named Gloomy Sunday? Yeah, the so-called Hungarian Suicide Song pushed more than 100 people to end their lives. Yep. That one. Y/N's tone was gloomier than that song.

Yaga got up to go to Y/N but stopped within walking distance. Aha, right. He remembered. He remembered that in this great world, it was only Satoru who could touch her, take her in his arms, comfort her, love her. And he, cruelly, asked her to let go of that person, that love, that rare of hope in her doomed life. Yaga shook his head. After all, mourning was better than dying.

He looked at her. He could swear that the cracks in her heart were visible through her eyes. He could see the pain she was feeling just by looking at her face. But he knew that sometimes you had to hurt someone to help them.

"And I don't think he ever will be." Were they tears or drops of blood? Whatever they were, it didn't matter anymore because Y/N wiped them with the back of her hand, "and maybe that's a good thing, because things are never how you imagine, and having expectations only ever sets a creature like me up to disappointment." She closed her eyes and wished him to be by her side, wiping away her tears. "I know this love will break me. It might tear me apart and shatter me into a million little pieces like I'm a sheet of glass. And the worst part is that I would let it." Her voice cracked, and her sobs filled the room.

Unfortunately, she also knew she needed to give up the feelings she had for Satoru. She had to stop loving him wholeheartedly. She had to because he wasn't hers. She had been through enough. She had to let him go now. She needed to. But love was something she'd never experienced before. So she couldn't find it in herself to do so.

Yes, on the other side of the infirmary walls, go a little further. In another building, at the end of the hall, as soon as the hands of the clock stopped at 10, the Sensei dismissed first-years from the classroom.

The white-haired man yawned while interlocking his fingers and extending his arms backward. He leaned back in his chair, turned his head, and his eyes fell on the raindrops sliding on the window, sticking one to another and getting bigger and bigger till fall down.

Satoru sighed, bringing down his hands and placing them into his pocket. He stood up and moved out the window. Spring clouds could rain for hours and wash everything away. Even those pink cherry blossoms. In fact, these flowers especially, because they adorned the earth more than the heavenly branches of the trees.

All of a sudden, a thought occurred to him. "This will cheer her up," a smile settled on his lips. He walked away from the window, clapped, and a few seconds later, he was on the sidewalk through the Aoyama Flower Market.

"Satoru, why are we here? What if someone sees us?" Y/N, with frowning eyebrows, looked around anxiously while biting her nails.

Satoru took a few steps, leaned over her and pulled her finger out of her mouth, and held her hand in his. "You're like a naughty girl, Y/N, chewing nails? Really?"

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