I glance at the letter in Remus' hand, Dumbledore's sudden request to address his concern was really badly timed, we needed to rehide Regulus to protect him from Dumbledore and his poor scheming.

"I'll go back upstairs, don't worry about it Y/N, I can see the look on your face." Regulus said, attempting to bury his amusement in his voice. 

"I-" I start, but am interrupted by a voice in the hallway.

"The house-elf let me in, I hope you don't mind." It was Dumbeldore.

We had approximately thirty seconds to hide Regulus before the old wizard entered the room and his secret was destroyed. "Hide." I hissed at my brother, not knowing what to do.

"I wouldn't worry, Regulus was part of my concerns." The door of the room opened and there stood Dumbledore. 

"I- what? What?" I burst out, Regulus gave me a pointed look that meant 'shut up'. 

"Miss Black, I've come to address a few concerns I have, and it turns out my suspicions were correct." Dumbledore said calmly. I sat down in the armchair that I had slept in earlier.

"Your suspicions? How were you suspicious about my brother? I don't think you were and you're just being your normal busybody self, inserting yourself into everyone's lives for the sake of trying to play manipulator, God as I believe the muggles call it." I spit, my brothers glanced at me, both wanting to sat something but they weren't sure what to say.

"Y/N. I've had these suspicions for a while, Regulus' death was interesting. He disappeared, neither the Death Eaters nor any of the Order knew of his sudden disappearane until it was headlining the papers. I had Severus feedback to me on how no Death Eater, not even Voldemort himself knew anything, and you know exactly what they're like when it comes to having killed traitors within their circle." Dumbledore paced, the wooden floor creaking slightly as he made his laps up and down the room. 

"Why check now, then? Why check when Sirius and I have literally just discovered that he's alive? You couldn't have shown up seventeen years ago? Thirteen years ago even and suggested that my baby brother was hiding himself away, still alive. It would have been nice, Dumbledore, it really would have, but you only ever seem to show up when it suits you, address things as and when it suits you. Why on earth have you decided to show up now of all times?" I raise my voice at the older wizard, his calm expression never left his face.

"Y/n." Remus said softly, putting a hand on top of my shoulder. "I'm sure Dumble-"

"Why is it you're taking his side? He does nothing but manipulate people and use people for his own good, his own glory-" 

"Y/N, that's enough," Sirius says lowly. "No, Sirius." I stand up, the anger making my body shake.

"Y/N, that is enough. Bedroom now." Sirius said sternly, he was almost looking down his nose at me, the same way Dad used to before he used the cruciatus on me. I trembled slightly at his sudden anger. "Now."  He repeats, he raised his hand and that was enough.

I darted from the room, and up the stairs, I ran straight into my room and flung myself onto my bed. "Colloportus," I mumble, before the tears began to stream out of my eyes, I was angry.

Angry at Sirius, angry at Dumbledore, angry at the evident blindness in everyone. Just angry, the rage encouraged my tears to tumble out quickly and sharply. I shoved my face into my pillow, allowing my tears to be caught by the material.

I hated how Dumbledore always insisted on putting himself into people's businesses all the time, manipulating people. The number of people who have died or suffered because of his arrogance was ridiculous, and yet everyone viewed him as a saviour like he was some sort of god. It was ridiculous that no one could see through his lies.

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