"Hey." Layla said as she gave her a hug. "This is Riley and Olivia- Oh! You're gonna sit here. Cool."

Riley sent Layla a questioning look, causing her to just shake her head, shrugging it off. Riley nodded as she turned her attention back to the game.

Riley watched the play start and Asher catch the ball, seconds later getting knocked down by on of the opposing players, earning a groan from the crowd.

"Adams and Baker seem to be on opposite sides of the play book today." the play by play announcer said, causing Riley to mutter a small 'you think?' in frustration.

Riley knew how badly Beverly needed this win to make it to the playoffs, and she also knew how badly they wanted to make it to the playoffs.

Riley had no clue why there was so much tension between the two boys, but there definitely was, and it was costing the whole team.

Riley watched the game with intent when she was torn away by a phone's ringtone. Riley gazed over at Olivia, then to Layla, and so on down the line.

"It's the publicist, I got to take this." Layla's father told Layla as he stood up from his seat.

"I'm gonna, heh, I'm gonna go too." the girl next to her father said, getting up and following him.

"Okay, who the hell is that?" Riley asked as soon as they were out of audible distance.

"That was China." Layla said.

"And China is..." Riley trailed off.

"My dad's new client, and his girlfriend." Layla told her friend, annoyed.

"Girlfriend?" Riley asked, surprised, causing Layla to nod.

"And I'm guessing by that face, you don't like her?" Olivia asked.

"No. It's - she's- she's fine." Layla struggled out.

"Layla, you almost choked while saying that." Riley told her friend.

"I don't know. It's weird." Layla said, "She's not even his type. She's nothing like..."

"Your mom?" Olivia finished for the Keating girl.

Layla said nothing as she licked her lips and turned her attention back tot eh game, to see Coach Baker in the middle of a huddle between Beverly.

For the last two seconds of the game, Riley was on the edge of her seat, watching as Jordan adjusted his gear before getting into position to start the play.

The ball was hiked and Jordan caught it, pretending to give it to Spencer before working his way across the field, he got ready to throw it before someone came charging after him, Riley watched as he dodged them and ran the ball down the field, scoring the winning touchdown.

As soon as the whistle blew, signaling the touch down was good, Riley jumped out of her seat in excitement that, not only, did Beverly win the game, but Jordan scored the winning touchdown. Riley was the first up out of the crowd, but soon the rest of the crowd stood up and cheered on there team, then out came the players to cheer on Jordan, minus Asher, who Riley noticed was angry walking across the field.

"They won!" Riley shouted over to Olivia, who just laughed at the girl.

"I think they know!" Olivia shouted back.

Riley just laughed as she turned her attention back to the field and watched as the team made their way into the locker room.

"I'm going to go meet Jordan by the locker room, but you guys are going out later right?" Riley asked Olivia and Layla.

𝐋𝐀 𝐋𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃,      j. baker¹Where stories live. Discover now