Hospitals & Heartache

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When I entered the hospital, my mind began to wander. I had some memories in this place and some of the doctors I knew quite well, considering how accident prone I'd been when I was young.

But this felt so much different. Usually, I was the one who was hurt. But...I wasn't this time.

My leg bounced impatiently as I waited and Mrs. Beakley talked to the doctor about who was visiting. My mind wandered. Was Josh okay? Was he dead? Was he in the ICU? What if I never saw him again?! What if-?

My thoughts were interrupted by the doctor clearing his throat. "Ms. McDuck? You can go in now."

I nodded and shuffled to the door. What I saw was enough to give me nightmares.

Josh was in a hospital bed, unconscious, just like he was when I saw him last. But now he had every known medical device or treatment hooked up to him. Two IVs were inserted into his left arm, dripping plasma and blood into him. A respiratory mask covered his beak, which was hooked up to an oxygen machine as a heart monitor beeped.

Bandages covered his arms and legs, but the worst wound was just above his waist where Magica had hit him. The bandages wrapped around the area were spotted in blood.

I'd never seen him look so lifeless before.

Uncle Scrooge was sitting in an adjacent chair, holding his top hat in his hands. When he saw me, he got up and walked over, giving me a big hug. But my eyes didn't shift from my brother.

"Is he okay?" was the first thing I managed to croak out as I left the embrace.

My uncle sighed and put his hands on my shoulders. "Lass, I've paid all that I could to get Josh the best medical treatment for his injuries. But-"

My eyes filled with tears, because I already knew what he was going to say next.

"-yew might want ta spend as much time as ye can with him right now."

I nodded and walked over to the sleeping form of my brother, bringing a chair with me. I sat down and gently grabbed Josh's hand.

"Hey, bro," I muttered, rubbing my thumb across his hand. "I'm here, I'm right here."

As if he heard me, Josh's breathing began to quicken a little...before his hand went limp.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as my eyes widened. Nonono, this had to be a dream. A nightmare. SOMETHING that wasn't REAL!

But the loud, whining flatline from the heart monitor said otherwise. I couldn't-NO! NO!!

"JOSH!" I screeched, shaking his hand a little before about half a dozen doctors and nurses rushed into the room. My uncle used his cane to pull me back and into his arms, wrapping them around my torso in a hold that proved to not let go.

"Breathe, lass! It's okay," he tried to assure me, but I couldn't control my breathing. Not even with my uncle's arms around me, something that usually would comfort me back when I used to have panic attacks. I felt like I was drowning, like I couldn't and wouldn't get air. I could hear nothing but my rapid breathing, the blood pounding in my ears, and my heart aching before...

I couldn't hold my body up anymore. I felt my legs give way and, before my head hit the floor, all I could see was Uncle Scrooge yelling for the hospital staff and someone running to my aid.


I bounced my leg nervously as Uncle Scrooge rubbed my back, his lower beak on the crown of my head.

"It's okay, mo leannan," he cooed, rubbing circles into my back. "I'm right here."

I whimpered and wanted to fall asleep against his chest. I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep lately, with the nightmares and all that.

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