○~ A good demon? ~○

ابدأ من البداية

- so what now? They are good demons!?

I burst laughing don't even knowing why, but then he went silent and when I look back at him, I saw that he was really serious.I-I just wanted to cry now but there is no way I'll do it! Is this what you call a mental breakdown?

- I-I can't believe you're serious..., I said cursing myself for stuttering

Kagaya- m/n I think we should end the discussion there.

- but-

Kagaya- NO!

It went silent.

Kagaya- *sight* I thought that you were mature enough to accept this but it doesn't seem like it.

- you don't understand-, tears starting to form in my eyes, watering the blindfold a little.

Kagaya- what don't I understand? M/n you're the only one like that. All the other hashira... don't you think they experienced something similar to you? Think about it. Who will wake up one day and just decided to risk their lives to fight demons?

-..., I remained silent.

Kagaya- they all been trough something traumatizing, and to be honest they weren't really happy with the decision too but after sanemi's demonstration they all suck it up. I'm not telling you to approve nor appreciate it but don't be like that. It's not only about you. And of course I'm not telling that your problems are nothing either.

After he finished, I just stood there, my hair on my face covering my emotions. Then after 3 minutes of silence, I turned my feet back and walked to the door.

Kagaya- have a great day and treat your face well. He said with a smiling caring tone like the moment before was just an hallucination.

I didn't respond and went outside.

POV Rengoku kyujuro

Hum... so it's been a while since l/n san went to the master's and Mitsuri chan went searching for Shinobu san. Well, I have been left alone. Just when I was thinking that, the door opened to let me see Uzui san.

Uzui- ah! Kyujuro!

Kyujuro- good afternoon Uzui san! I said with my usual happy tone.

Uzui- didn't know I'll find you there! Actually I'm searching for m/n. Have you seen him?

Kyujuro- well... it should take some time for him to come back from his discussion with Ubuyashiki Sama

Uzui- Oof- I have a feeling that won't finish well! he said with an awkward tone

Then it went silent again. Actually I kinda want to ask Uzui san questions about m/n. After all, he is the one who knowed him for the longest. I'm kinda jealous about that... ah? Wait what?  Hum anyways. Weird... have been having thoughts like that for sometime now. I don't even know where they come from, but I'll find myself wanting to be more with m/n. For him to care for me as he does with sanemi san, and talking about him, I feel kinda bad when m/n is talking exclusively about him. I mean... shouldn't I be happy that my best friend  is so madly in love?.... hum I digress!

Kyujuro- hey Uzui san... hum I wanted to ask since you know m/n so well... why does he hate demons like that?

Uzui-....eh?, he said confused.

Kyujuro- I mean it's normal to not like demons but it seems like it's more than that... I'm a little worried that's all, I said quickly explaining myself.

Uzui- well for as long as I know him he was always like that although he never told me why....

Kyujuro- oh I see...., I said a little bit of disappointment in my voice.

Uzui-.... I wanted to ask you for a while now but...

I turn my head to him, curious.

Uzui- kyujuro are you-

He was interrupted by the door being open. We both turned our heads to the noise to fall on m/n entering the room. I rushed myself to him when I saw that dark aura around him.

Rengoku- hey are you alright!?

His face was hidden by his hair and I couldn't see his expression. That made me even more worried. I heard Uzui san coming to check on him too.

Uzui- woah! are you alright?, he said worried

M/n looked at us faking a big bright smile. If you were just anyone else, you could have been fooled, but Uzui san and I knew it was false.

M/n- yeah why?

Uzui- uh... you sure?

M/n‐ so how are Suma, Makio and Hinatsuru? He said changing the subject

Uzui- ah! They're fine don't worry!

They were a sort of uneasy atmosphere which was soon broken by the door crashing open as two girls entered.

Mitsuri- there he is Shinobu chan!

Shinobu- ara ara... he is indeed in a bad state but don't worry he can still walk so he should not be dead soon.

She said calmly which was a little bit scary.

Shinobu- m/n I told you one thousand times to not do something stupid on your missions*sigh* you're coming with me., she said with some scary authority.

M/n- huh...? wait!.... aaaah shit I'm doomed, he said loosing his fake smile to his whinny tone, Shinobu san dragging him behind her. When they were gone, Mitsuri  chan asked us what happened with him when she was not there and we explained.

Mitsuri- oh! I want to know why m/n kun hates demons so bad too!

Kyujuro- yeah... who knows what he is bearing alone...

1404 words

Hey guys! It's me again Hehe. Well here is the second chapter! Is it to long? Is it to short? Is it good enough?  These are the questions I'm asking myself this 16 March at 00:54 am with a test in only a few hours now! Thanks to insomnia~......

help ;-;

- your tired author.

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