Part 2 Ss2 : The shock news

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Blue : hold up, what did just happen?????
Guest : You just kiss Bacon. You don't remember anything?
Blue : No because my body is under controlled of something!
Guest : what?...
Blue : But how you know we're kissing!?*a bit mad*
Guest : I see all what you did because you did in front of me and Noob.
Blue : Oh. I guess it's my fault tho

                                                    ~After 30 minutes~
Bacon just walked out of the gate.
He got bump at Blue.
Bacon : Ouch.....
Blue : Oh sorry, are you ok? Did it hurt you?
Bacon : Oh, it's don't need to worry!
Blue : *sighed* Phew!
Bully : Oh look! Who's this poor noob~?
Blue : Hey! Don't call him that! It's really mean to call him that!
Bully : I like to call him that so what? Are you that loser friends~? Ahaha!
Blue felt a bit mad and he started to hit the bully.
The bully started to get wounds every time Blue hit them.

                                            ~After 15 minutes~
Noob and Guest went outside *Because
 Guest need goes to wc for a while, Noob has to stand in the same place to wait Guest* and saw Blue is fighting at the bully.

Noob run to them.
Noob : Hey! Stop fighting!! Didn't you remember our teacher said no fighting?!
Guest go to the middle of two of them and stopped them.
Guest : Stop! I have heard enough of these!
Noob : Explain right now!
                                          ~After they explain~
Noob : Ok now I understand why. Let me ask you, why would you be mean to Bacon?
Bully : Because he's ugly and weak.
Blue started to get more mad and he can't control himself anymore and he threw a knife at bully's face.
After Blue throw the knife at the bully, a big scars at Bully's cheek started bleeding. They got scared and they run of fear. Blue tries to calm himself down, but after calm himself he saw the bully run away for no reason.
Blue : What just happened? Why the bully running away from us?
Noob : Y-You don't know what happened etheir?
Blue : Yeah.
Bacon : I forgot! I have a good news for all of you!
All : What is it?
Bacon : Tomorrow is summer break and we can go to the beach!!
Guest : Yay!!
Blue : Ok now we need to go to class before the bell rang.
All : Alright
                                                     ~At class~
Teacher : Hi students, we have bad news for all of you..
Noodle : What is this teacher?
All*Guest, Noob* thought : Wait what?! How did she in our class?!
Teacher : There is a super-villain in our school that's hiding. Because of that, all of you should stay at home for safety.
All : Ok teacher.
Teacher : But only Guest, blue hair Guest, and Noodle stay back. I can't tell the reason why but you guys should go now or else they'll come here.
All : ok.

                                         ~After school~

Noodle : Oh hell nah why am I the chosen one..I just want to go to the beach peacefully~
Noob : Guest. I hope you can do your best...*walks to his home*
Guest : Darling..
Blue : Hey Bacon. Would you guys mind if I can talk to Bacon for a bit?
Bacon : Sure dude!
Blue : Thanks.

                                          ~At the chat~

Blue : U-Uh i h-have something t-to tell y-you...
Bacon : Hm? What is it?
Blue : I LIKE YOU!!
Bacon : Heh?
Blue : Will you be my boyfriend?
Bacon : Oh..but can I have some time to think about it?
Blue : Ok
 System : Bacon has left the chat.
Blue : I think he say no :(
System : Blue has left the chat.

                               ~Go back to reality~

Noob : And what did u say?
Bacon : Nuh-uh. It's a secret between us!
Noob : C'mon, say it!!
Blue : What's going on here?
Guest : Idk, they say something but they don't let me hear!
Blue : ok...
Noob : Wait...*looks at Bacon's face*
Bacon : W-Why u look me l-like t-that?
Bacon thought : Oh shit.
Bacon : W-Wait! I have to go for a bit!!
Noob : ok...?
Bacon : *runs to the wc*

                                          ~At the wc~

Bacon : *cover all his face* *Bacon thought* : Why this thing came up too soon?!*blush more*
Bacon : *calm himself* come on Bacon, you can do this.
Bacon : I should go now.

                                   ~Back to outside~

Noob : Man chill down, don't be scared.
Guest : Yeah dude don't be scared.
Blue : *still scared if he don't love him* O-Ok.
Kan :*waving from far away* Hey Blue!!! I got something for you!!
Blue : Oh. Wait me! I need to go now bye!*walks away*
Noob : I scared if our friend can't date Bacon. How can we saw it in the future?
Guest : I know where can we know.
Noob : Huh?
Guest :*open the portal*This is time control protal. We don't have much time to talk, let's go before Bacon can see it.
Noob : Oh ok*still don't understand*

                 Guest has leave the sever.
                 Noob has leave the sever.

But, they didnt know that Bacon also saw it and he got in too.

          Bacon has leave the sever.

                                                              -To be continued-

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