After a few hours, they had all deaded out before going to Matthias's car while explaining the questions he wanted to ask Ben as River nodded looking at him as they went to the location in his car. When they got to the building they were all escorted, checked, and lead through many hallways until they got to the room with Ben sitting inside his cell with his attire and mask with a guard standing nearby in case. "Hi Ben," Matthias began as he walked over towards the cell while he continued. "I told the detective that you wouldn't mind the audience coming along," Matthias spoke as he decided to slightly joke about it. "See look at that, he's a natural," Matthias said jokingly as River glared at him before he pulled out a chair over and sat down before he began to speak. "So, I'm a little confused man. You were the one that wanted to talk to us and we came down here and now you're not talking at all." Matthias spoke as he noticed the tattoo on his arm before teasing him about it while getting no response from Benjamin. 

"How about this," Matthias started as he pulled out his notecards before he spoke. "We do a soft start, ease into the human contact with some questions from them. Cool with it? He's cool, yeah. What's the absolute. Do you have anyone you care about on the outside?" Matthias spoke reading the questions as River sighed looking at him as she spoke. "You know they said coming here, they mentioned about how you didn't use your only call." River spoke as Benjamin finally spoke back to her. "She couldn't answer if she had wanted to," Ben responded as Matthias asked it was Deb who he tried calling before Matthias told him that she had been a murderer which caused him to ask what he was as Matthias responded with himself being a YouTuber as Ben responded to him. "Yet here you are, a thorn in my side..." Ben responded as River sighed looking at him. "How about we switch the gears, right Matt? Alright, who are you working for?" She asked as Ben responded with him not working with anyone while she sighed before Matthias asked him a question. 

"Are you under the influence of the serum?" Matthias asked curiously earning a shake in the head from Ben, explaining he wasn't under the influence which caused Matthias to respond to him. "So you are telling me, you don't work for anyone and you aren't under the influence of the serum?" Matthias asked as Ben nodded while Matthias decided to continue with what he was going on about. "So well it looks like a pretty cut and dry case right. Caught the guy, red-handed, behind bars. Why are we even here?" Matthias asked frustrated as he went to get up before Ben responded to him. "You aren't done with this, I know exactly how it's going to end," Ben responded as River looked at him as she stood there. "The last person who has ever said that turned out to be a manipulative murder. So forgive me if I wouldn't trust you." River spoke looking at him as Ben responded to her. "I don't care if you don't trust me, you can see it. Just like I can, the writing on the wall." Ben responded as Matthias got confused about how he knew about it before he spoke. 

"So it has started again, hasn't it?" Ben asked curiously as River looked at him confused as he realized before adding on to what he said. "I thought it was just me when it had first showed up, I thought I was crazy like everyone was saying," Ben responded as Matthias had asked him when it started as he responded about how it had started seven years ago as Ben spoke. "When it had first started, I tried making sense of it. Different things began to appear every night or so, never could make much sense into it. No matter which way it was looked at." Ben explained as Matthias had asked him how it happened before he responded to him. "It was years ago, I was only one working in the space. It's what you and your minions call your beloved Red Base. After it was all said and done, the walls were completely red, that's when I started to believe them about what they were saying about me. They said I was crazy, I was seeing things, of course, they told me to do things that didn't make sense nor seemed right." Ben explained as Matthias sat there looking at him, curious who had told him these things.

Ben then went on to explain how they hadn't heard the voices yet while Matthias got frustrated, talking about how Ben had lost his mind and that his mind deteriorated from the serum as Ben shook his head. "I thought so too, but now we know it hasn't because you have seen them too, what are they telling you?" Ben asked curiously as Matthias brought up how there wasn't anything on the walls when he had rented out the units while Ben responded to him. "Of course not, why would someone rent it if there was? Don't be a fool, they came and painted over it but it keeps bleeding through, doesn't it?" Ben asked as he explained how he believed the landlords were the ones who had painted over the walls as he explained how haunting was bad for the business before explaining how the entire building was haunted by everything as he spoke. "Do you have any idea how many people ended up dying in the building? It was too many to count." Ben explained as Matthias looked at him before he responded to him.

"I'm sure you saw to it personally, thought you said you were working alone," Matthias spoke as Ben responded about how he never said he was working for someone nor being controlled as Matthias had told him to be careful since it could be used against him for the things he says which caused for Ben to jump towards the bars that had separated him from Matthias and River as Matthias scooted the chair back before Ben began laughing before he spoke. "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of me?" Ben asked as Matthias shook his head, explaining how he was afraid for him as Ben explained about how he was being taken care of well there, explaining about how little space could be able to clear someone's head as Matthias got tired before deciding to lead River to leave as they two left while Ben had told Matthias to sign out before he saw the Syntec logo on the side of the pen. 

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