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This is a memory when you and Sarv were kids. Also I forgot to metion ruv doesn't exist in any of these chapters but I might make one where it's Sarv x you x ruv. Or just a story of where ruv does exist and you get jealous. You can decided. Also truly sorry for not updating this I kinda lost motivation.

The sounds of children screaming and playing were heard.

You didn't talk to many other kids. Mostly because you were afraid and scared. Also because sometimes people get annoying and that annoys you. You did have one friend though. Her name was Sarv. Well that was her nickname her real name is Sarvente. She is the best friend you could ever have. The only friend you needed. She was fun, nice energetic the list goes on! She was the best. You didn't really need any other friends when you have her. You guys went to the same schools and lived nearby. You would ask your Mom to take you to visit her sometimes. You and Sarv talked and hanged out a lot. She was like a dream come true. She was the definition of Sweet. She also did look like ice cream. Neapolitan ice cream. Well today you couldn't find her. You and Sarv usually meet up by the cherry blossom trees but she wasn't there. You were kind of worried considering you guys have been friends for so long. You ran to your Mom to ask if she knew anything about Sarv and why she wasn't here today. Your Mom said no. You were panicking. Maybe she is just pranking you? No she wouldn't do that. Maybe she is going to surprise you? No doesn't seem like It. You asked your mom if you could go visit her house. Your mother was kind of tired so she declined. You were sad because you couldn't find Sarv nor go to her house to see is she is there. Maybe you could sneak and go inside her house. But how?... You don't have any keys. Oh you had an idea you could go in through the window. They always keep one window unlocked for some reason. You looked back at your mother. She was on her phone. Now was a good time. You decided to walk over to Sarvs house. You looked and tried finding the window then you found it. You were pretty tall so you could reach It. You opened It quietly. You jumped inside Sarv's house hoping she didn't hear you that time. You quietly closed It. You heard sobbing?... That's weird. Why was Sarv crying? You walked over to where her room was. You kind of did want to go inside and check if she was okay. You decided to check and then what you saw surprised you.

Sarvente x Female Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now