Part Thirty (Final)

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His words started to get to you, flashbacks of the past few years came rushing to your head. Derek always tried to do what was best for you and you always pushed his buttons.

"If you're not gonna talk then this isn't fun for me," his eyes flashed grey as you sniffled, seeing him get up.

He walked out of the room as you let out a hushed cry, before shutting your eyes.

Don't listen to him

"Happy birthday," Emily gave Derek a small smile as he ignored her.

His back faced her as she sighed softly.

"Dean's on his way back, he didn't find anything," she said softly.

Derek stood on the balcony of the hotel room, standing in silence.

Emily never shut up when she was nervous, it had grown to be one of your favorite traits about her.

"I've been calling her number every day. It's on voicemail now," Derek tensed slightly as he heard Emily's voice crack.

"I tried to track her last known location a few days ago, I-I found her phone in the woods," Derek looked back at Emily, seeing the tears streaming down her cheeks as her body shook slightly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked softly.

"I-I don't know, I-I didn't want to believe that she was... that she's..." she cried softly as Derek wrapped his arms around her, taking deep breaths.

"I-I think she's really gone this time," she cried.

"I'm not giving up until I find her body. Em, we can do this," Derek pressed his lips to her forehead, trying to calm her.

"I want her back," she cried softly.

Derek kept his tears at bay, holding onto Emily.

You felt your conciseness zoning in and out, hearing the noise of something breaking from a distance.

"(Y/N)!" the sound was muffled, you could still hear Derek's voice through the ringing as your head shot up.

You turned to face him, letting out a breath of relief as your heart ached.

He put his hands on your shoulders, trying to say something to you.

"Derek," you cried softly.

"Let me take these off..." you heard the sound of gunshots as you flinched, shutting your eyes tightly.


"Derek?" you yelled out, looking up at him as you cried out.

There was blood dripping from a wound through his chest, he fell into your arms as you tried to put pressure on the wound, gasping for air.

"N-No, this isn't... Derek. Derek, look at me. Y-You're okay. Derek, no. You're not..." your chest raced, hyperventilating as you pulled on your chains, crying out.

"Stop! Let me go!" you put your hands around his body, lifting him up. His eyes were closed.

"Derek, wake up. Please, w-wake up, Der. For me, p-please..."

"God!" you yelled out as you sobbed, holding onto him tightly.

It's all your fault

You killed him

"Interesting," your hands were shaking as you looked up, sniffling.

Derek was gone, you could see Jay watching you as you ran your fingers through your hair.

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