Compared • Jaden

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Jaden and I have been friends for basically out whole lives. That of course includes Javon and Jayla as well, you can't just talk to one. But there's something I haven't told him, and it's that i've had a crush on him since we were 7. I always thought he was cute, and he was always nice to me, even though he was mean to everyone else. I doubt he would ever think of me in any other way than a best friend.

I'm at his house and we're all chilling in Jayla's room. We were on tiktok live. "Javon>>Jaden" a comment read. I looked at Jaden and it seemed he had also noticed, as he was getting up to leave. He leaves the room and I start to talk.

"Okay guys, you can't just compare someone to another person simply because you think that. Keep those thoughts to yourself because you aren't doing anything but hurting people." I say in a slightly angered voice. "You can't hate on a Jaden simply for the fact of you like Javon better. That shit really hurts him, which hurts me because I hate seeing him upset." I roll my eyes and walk out of the room. I had tears in my eyes because I was so pissed.

I walk to Jaden's room and knock before walking in. I see him quickly wipe his face and then look up at me. I slightly frown, closing the door and then walk over to him. "Aw, Jaden don't cry, babe, it wasn't okay for them to say that." I say sitting on his lap. I cup his face with my hands and put my forehead on his.

He wraps his arms around my waist and then puts his head on my chest. I just hug his head until he's ready to talk. We sat like this for five minutes before he finally lifts his head up to speak. "I really hate when I see those types of comments because they are the only one's that genuinely hurt me." He says sadly. "I know, but you know what makes things better?" I say smirking. "What?" He questions.

I lean in and kiss him passionately. He kisses back, putting his hands on my hips. I smile into the kiss and pull back. "Better?" I ask. "One more and i'll be fine." He says in a fake sad voice, dramatically pouting. I laugh slightly and lean in to kiss him again. It quickly turned into a make out session.

We were too caught up in the moment to realize the door opened. We hear giggling and stop, snapping our heads towards the door. We see Jayla and Javon standing there recording us. They see us staring and run back out of the room. We just look at each other and laugh, laying down and cuddling into bed. We both say goodnight and head to sleep.
a/n sorry this chapter was so short but I need to come up with more ideas for these before I start writing.

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