"Did you finally decide on where to get dinner?", I asked the boys from the backseat while leaning forward towards in-between the front seats.

Dakota rolled his eyes while Tanner chuckled. "We've got McDonalds and Pizza on the menu, which one do you feel like having more?" Tanner said while putting on his blinker to get onto the highway and towards the restaurants not too far from our shared apartment.

I didn't want to side with Dakota but after he mentioned McDonalds all I could think about was McNuggets and Shamrock shakes. "I vote the big MD" I said.

"HA! I told you!!", Tanner said while pointing at Dakota. "I told you that's where she'd want to go. It's march and they've got those shakes she likes." Tanner looked up into the rearview mirror and we made eye contact. "I know you so well." He said while giving out a small side smile. His gaze was causing my face to heat up so I looked away and out the window but that didn't stop the butterflies in my stomach from going crazy over the littlest things about this giant teddy bear who unfortunately has to be my childhood best friend.

"Whoppidy-doo-da" Dakota threw his hands in the air to exaggerate his pain. "I thought for sure you'd choose pizza since I told you I was the one who wanted to get McDonalds. I didn't even want McDonalds I just knew that you'd choose whichever one I didn't say I wanted". He pouted like a child.

"Awww Dak, it's okay, I'll buy you some chicken nuggets and a McFlurry how does that sound" Tanner said trying to console the pouting man child. He perked right up at the sound of ice cream.

"I hope the ice cream machine is broken" I whispered to myself but Tanner heard me and let out a small chuckle, once again turning my insides too mush.

"You keep that up and I might forget to order you that shamrock shake you like so much" Tanner said jokingly while giving me his brat taming eyebrow raise. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and smile.

As we pulled up to the drive thru Tanner made sure to order everything on the menu for himself and Dakota. I'm joking it wasn't everything, but these guys could EAT. "Are you wanting to get anything or did you just come for the ride?", Tanner asked a grin on his face. I reached forward and lightly swatted his arm. "You dick, you know what I want" I said to him as I threw myself back into my seat. Dakota cracked a grin while Tanner reluctantly asked for my shamrock shake and my chicken nuggets.

"Here you are m'lady", Tanner said while passing me my shake.

"Thank you kind sir", I responded to him and taking my first sip of bliss. The creamy minty freshness was pure delight.

"You alright back there Y/N? Your eyes have been closed and you've still got the straw in your mouth", Dakota said mocking my actions.

"I was transcending into another plane of happiness and you just had to ruin it. Typical", I responded to him.

"Are they really that good?", Tanner asked from the front seat amidst me and dak's bickering.

"You have to try it for yourself", I told him as I took another sip.

"Alright, give me it, let me see what all the craze is about", he said while putting his hand out waiting for me to pass it to him. AS IF.

"Go buy your own" I responded to him while taking other sip.

"Y/N please, come on. I just bought you food", he said pouting from up front.

"Pout all you want, if you want to try the shake, order it next time" I told him while flipping my hair.

"Oh! You tell him." Dakota said laughing at the bickering.

"Fine. Your 10 piece nugget just went to an 8 piece." Tanner said to me knowing that threatening my food would be the key to getting anything he wanted from me. "Now give me a sip of the milkshake before I make it 7."

"Good lord man. You are persistent and down right evil" I told him while reluctantly handing him my milkshake.

"That wasn't too hard was it. Maybe next time you'll be nice and let the guy that just bought you food have one little sip of your favorite milkshake" Tanner said before taking a sip from my straw. Oh god. My straw. My eyes widened as I realized the situation I was just about to be in making me blush for the third time since getting in the car.

"Oh yeah. I'm totally getting that next time dude. How have I never gotten that before it's amazing!", Tanner raved and handed me back my milkshake. "Good choice, good choice, paise be to the heavenly shamrock shake".

"Amen to that", I responded while laughing at his reaction.

We finally pulled back into the drive way and I opened my door and made my way to the front door to unlock it.

"Ghost Adventures starts in like 10 minutes guys hurry up!" I shouted to them as they made their way behind me.

They brought the food in while I turned on the TV to the right channel. I ran upstairs to get changed out of my jeans and into some sweats and a long sleeve shirt to be comfy while I'm scared out of my mind. I can barely handle this stuff happening through the screen I could never actually spend the night at these haunted locations, or any haunted location for that matter.  

Alright let's do this! 

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