Chapter 35: You Can't Save Everyone

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"I'm worried" I sigh to all my friends except for Peter who still has to show up before class starts.

"He'll be here, relax" Mj assures.

"Not about him being late. About him in general" I explain.

"I'm sure the Avengers are helping him" Betty points out.

"If they are helping him out" Flash corrects.

"I'm not surprised if he hides it and everything else" Abe states.

"But Natasha knows so I'm sure everyone else knows. I mean they have Karen and Fridays reports" Cindy reminds.

"Come to think about it, he doesn't finish all his food at lunch. He barely touches it and he always looks tired" Charles claims.

"See!" I practically shout.

"I doubt he'll talk to us" Flash says.

"Yea cause you used to be his bully, maybe that's why" Abe rolls his eyes.

"We can go to my house after school. No one is suppose to be there so we will be alone and we'll try to get Peter to open up" I plan out.

"Hey" Peter greets everyone as he joins our circle by the lockers. Everyone says hi back while we do our handshake.

I take this as a moment to look at Peter but surprisingly, he doesn't look extremely tired.

"I was thinking, hangout at my house?" I bring up.

"Sure, I'm down" he agrees and even smiles.

I don't know if it's real or not.

I mean I'm hoping it is.

He seems a bit better today but he could easily hide that.

I mean he hides to the whole world about his second identity so it's no surprise if he can hide a smile.

But at the same time, it looks like a genuine smile.

I feel my brain breaking apart.

"You ok dude?" Peter snaps me out.

"We should get to class! We're gonna be late!" I tell him as my eyes go wide, realizing the time.


Peters in the middle of Ned and I.

Ms. Jaqo is talking about whatever English teachers talks about on a Thursday morning before summer break in a day.

I go to sketch in my notebook but I don't know who or what to draw.

I look around the classroom but everyone seems more bored than distress.

I secretly take a glance at Peter but he doesn't look how he usually is. I think he actually got better sleep.

Now who to draw...


Clint made me breakfast this morning which he like never does since he can't really cook. As soon as I took a look at the pancakes I thought they were poisonous or at least a prank.

I approached it very slowly while Clint looked at me very confused. He kept repeating that there wasn't anything wrong with them but I didn't believe him.

Sure my senses weren't going off but I can never be too careful.

I grabbed a fork and poked at the pancake before quickly ducking but nothing happened. It didn't explode how I thought it would. Clint just rolled his eyes at me so I sat down and took a small piece of it. 

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