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Yashiro had been acting very strange, perhaps doing what that ghost boy had planned. You were acting very sad, and staying away from even more people than usual, yes, even Aoi and the girl who had rejected you.

And it had been the end of the day, maybe the last day, since your feelings for Yashiro had been the only thing that stopped you from doing... that.

So, now knowing that Yashiro will never return your feelings, it may be safe to say that you might do it.

You went to the roof, dropped your bag and took out a small paper, tape and a pencil that would only last a few more words before wearing out, and you didn't have a pencil sharpener.

You wrote something on that oh-so-small piece of paper, stuck it to your bag using the tape, and left it there.

You took off your shoes and slowly walked over to the rails that kept you safe all this time, climbed over them, and sat on the small bit of concrete that would be the last thing keeping you from falling.

Your (h/l), (h/c) was blowing in the wind, and your (e/c) eyes were slowly closing as small tears were being blown away by the wind.

Memories from your past flooded your mind.
The time you and your parents went to the fair when you were in second grade, you got your favorite (f/a) stuffie that day.
You went to Aoi's birthday party and somehow you had fallen into a pond, and you had touched a fish, unusually slimy, unlike how you imagined.
The first time you had met Yashiro, when she had been very, very late to class, interrupting the teacher who was scolding you.
When Aoi had gotten you a notebook with little chibi (f/a)s on the outsides for your birthday, and Yashiro getting you a necklace with a tiny pouch on it, and inside, a (f/s).

All those were the good memories, the ones that you couldn't make anymore.

Not since the incident.


You had come home from one of the best birthdays you had ever had. There was a tiny (f/f) cake that was waiting on your table, there was a note next to it saying:
Dear, (y/n),
We can't be there for your birthday, and we're very, very sorry for that. We might come home late, long after your bedtime, so please don't stay up waiting for us. 

We hope you had a good day with your friends, and try to be happy with us not there.

Happy birthday,
Love, mom and dad

You were very disappointed that they couldn't be there to see you blow out your candles, and open the two boxed up presents that waited on the couch, but their work was very important, so you couldn't be selfish and cry that they're not here.

You lit the few candles that were on the small cake, waited a bit, and wished for them to be home more often before blowing the candles out.

You cut the cake in thirds, grabbed three tiny paper plates and put the three slices on them.

It was lonely without your parents, they were always gone for work, and you had no siblings. 

You finished your slice and grabbed plastic wrap to cover up your parents' slices, you took two sticky notes and wrote on one, 'for mom' and the other 'for dad', you stuck them onto the plastic wrapped cake, and set them in the fridge.

You walked to the couch where your two presents were waiting. The one from your dad was in a small, brown rectangular box, and the one from your mom was in a bigger box.

You opened the one from your dad first, and in it was a small pocket knife, with '(l/n)' carved into the wooden part.

You smiled softly and set it on the coffee table, you looked over at the gift that your mom left you, a bigger box, with holes by the top of it.

Your heart lifted, and you realized what was inside.

You quickly opened the box, and inside was a little kitten, sleeping on a tiny, soft bed, a bowl of dry pellets right by its side. You grabbed scissors and cut the top half of the box off.

You looked at it better, it had a thin tail, it was white and had little brown and black spots on its back and one of its ears were black, with the other brown.

You smiled.

You turned on the tv to see the problems happening in the world right now. And you glanced at the sleeping kitten and lowered the volume.

There was a car accident.

You looked closely at the scene.

A familiar shade of blue caught your eye.

Two people had died, they said.

And this was on the route your parents took when they went to their work.

~end of flashback~

You remembered the last birthday you had. The birthday where you found out your parents would never come back. You smiled softly, your cat, Kaiteki, knew how to take care of herself, she could hunt for mice and birds, she would be fine if you managed to be able jump right now, and you would be able to see your mom and dad if you did.

So you stood up, and felt the tears stop as you slowly lifted your arms. You made a 'T' with your body and leaned forward.

You smiled.

But that smile soon faded away.



I got the second chapter posted!!!
im proud of myself. 


word count: 896

Close to the Far Shore (Kou x fem reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon