
1.4K 41 8

Warnings: Swearing, Injuries, Angst

Wordcount: 4.8k

You were standing by the door, practically bouncing up and down as you kept shifting your gaze between the landing pad and your phone. You pressed the power button, turning it on just so you could check the time before you looked outside yet again.

Today was the day you had been looking forward to for the past three weeks; your girlfriend was coming home from a mission.

It was always hard for you when she was gone, so you had been acting like an excited puppy all day just waiting for the moment she'd return.

When you heard the roaring of the Quinjet engines, you opened the door and ran like no tomorrow.

The door opened as the jet touched the ground, and you were still running at full speed. As soon as she took a step off, you threw yourself into her arms, almost completely wrapping around her.

You buried your face in her neck, smiling against her as you savored the moment.

"Okay, Y/N," she said, taking a step back.

You nodded, letting go of her so she could go inside.

You reached to connect your hand to hers, and interlace your fingers like you usually did, but she purposely pulled her hand away. Probably tired and maybe a little irritable from the mission.

You said nothing, following her back through the doors.

You expected her to go to the living room and say hi to the others now that she was back. Instead, she went straight to your shared bedroom.

Before you could say anything else, she went to the bathroom after grabbing a pair of pajamas, closing the door behind her.

You were confused, to say the least, but you simply sat on the bed and waited for her.

Once she came out, changed into her pajamas, you frowned as you noticed all the cuts and bruises on her.

"Natty, let me-" you reached out for her, but she cut you off.

"I'm fine." She said simply, grabbing your wrists and practically shoving your arms away from her.

"You're hurt!"

"I said I'm fine!" she snapped, glaring daggers at you.

You almost felt timid in this moment, taking a few steps back from her.

"You'll at least get checked out tomorrow... right?"

"Oh my god, Y/N, I'm fine!"

You decided it was best not to say anything, feeling the pit growing in your stomach.

Whatever happened on the mission had definitely taken a toll on her. She was just out of it now, but she'd be back to how she usually was later.

You loved her, and it'd be okay later. You bit your tongue, stopping yourself from crying in front of her.

You didn't want her to know that she had hurt you, especially when she was already stressed from the mission.

So instead, you changed into your own pajamas before crawling in bed next to her.

"I love you"

She didn't say it back.

She didn't say it back

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Natasha Romanoff OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora