Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

“That’s what I told him.” Mum stopped chopping for a moment to study me. “He sounded a bit sad when he heard that.”

“Uh..” Was all I could say.

“So then I told him that Kayla didn’t have a date-“

“Helen!” Kayla said.

Mum smiled bashfully. “I like playing matchmaker. Back to the story, So he said that he’d love to be Kayla’s date.” She winked at Kayla. “I think he’s got a thing for you.”

“Oh God!” Kayla said. “Does this mean I have to like, dance with him? Ugh! Gross!”

I wasn’t really paying attention to her. “So what did you say next?” I asked Mum.

“Well.” She contuined. “I told him that Kayla would love to go with him-“

“I would not!”

“- And so he asked for the details.”


“And I gave them to him. He sounded very happy at the end of the conversation.”

She smiled at Kayla. “Make sure you wear lipstick.”

“Oh my god!” Kayla said.

“Mum!” I said, shocked.

“What?” she said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes. “Never mind.”




“I cannot believe it.” Kayla said. “I swear, you’re mum is so embarrassing.”

I didn’t say anything.

“And as if Jerome would like me! He spends half his time drooling over you!”

That got my attention. I stopped walking and stared at her. “What?”

She smirked. “Oh come on. As if you haven’t noticed. He’s like one of those little dogs that follow their owners around… panting.”

“So what you’re saying, is that he follows me around panting?”

She reddened slightly. “Not exactly.. I mean, he dosen’t pant.. but..”

“He dosen’t like me.” I said firmly.

“How do you know?” Kayla said.

“Because if he liked me, he’d tell me. He’s honest like that.”

“He probably wouldn’t tell you.”

“Entertain me. Why not?”

“Because he’s scared of A, losing you’re friendship or B, Being friend-zoned.”

“Being friend zoned? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.”

“That’s what guys are afraid of.” Kayla said knowingly. “They hate being friend zoned.”

I looked at her closely. “And how would you know, Miss- Ew- Boys-Have-Germs?”

She reddened slightly and didn’t say anything.

Suddenly I was really curious. Was there something about Kayla I didn’t know? Did something happen between her and one of the boys? “Kayla.” I said slowly. “What aren’t you telling me?”

She stared straight ahead. “I’ve told you everything about me, Lei, You know that.”


“I might have neglected some parts.” She said slowly. “But those are the boring parts.”

“Mhmm.” I said wisely.

“You wouldn’t have been interested.”

“I think I would have.”

“No! You wouldn’t.” she said firmly.

I smiled knowingly. “If you say so.”

There was something big she wasn’t telling me.

And I was determined to find out.






Y’all just got cliffed!

Ha ha! Sorry for the long update. I was kind of on Hiatus. For like, ever.

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

X Gwen.

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