Nicky: Don't know them. I will listen to them and make a chose

Lando: We are going to do Kimi next

Seb: 7 years - Lukas Graham 

Lance: You know that song??

Seb: Yes, because I have excellent music taste

Kimi: I like it to ad it

Pierre: My turn!!!!

Esteban: 10 Years - Daoi Freyr

Max: Is that the song festival song??

Esteban: Maybe

Pierre: Let's add it 

Max: The minister of defense is next.

Lando: 11 is a hard number 

Lance: 11:11 - Ben Barnes

Checo: Sure. I listened to it and it is not bad. 

Nicky: I am going for six feet apart - Alec Benjamin

Lewis: Will add them both to the playlist

Val: Fernando's 14 is next

Seb: I know one but I have to look it up give me a moment

Lewis: You mean the Guns N'Roses

Seb: Yes, 14 years - Guns N'Roses

Fernando: Yes you guys don't have to look farther.

Charles: Me next!!! Don't think there is one though

Nicky: 16 Tons - Robbie Williams

Charles: You found one!!

Nicky:  Robbie Williams for the win

Seb: More fan of Robin Williams

Daniel: Mrs. Doubtfire is a masterpiece

Esteban: Lance is next

Charles: 18 - one direction

Carlos: Of course you choose a 1D song

Lance: I want that one as my song

Max: You are a 1D fan??😂😂

Lance: One Direction is the best!! 

Kevin: Time for songs with 20 

Max: Twenty Something - Nightly

Kevin: Yes add that one

Yuki: Time for 22

Kimi: 22 - Taylor swift

Lando: 😲

Max: Kimi knowing taylor Swift????

Kimi: She is a great artist

Yuki: Okay let's add Taylor to the list

Daniel: As she should be in the list

Alex: Mine is next

Daniel: 23 - Chayce Beckham

Alex: That song is so you.

Daniel: You think I am still 23?? Thank you

Guanyu: Time to find song with 24

Lewis: 24k magic - Bruno Mars

Yuki: That is also so you

Guanyu: True, I also love Bruno Mars

Esteban: Don't think there is one with 31

Lance: Time to prove you wrong. 31 - Ciaran Lavery

Esteban: Aawh thank you for finding one

Val: So Lewis is next

Carlos: Forty four-lookapony

Lewis: Never heard of it, but it is a vibe

Kevin: Okay can we find one with 47?

George: I don't know one

Lance: Your number is so easy

Mick: Let just move one. Carlos is next

Lando: Smoothoperater!!!!

Daniel: That song is such a vibe

Lewis: But not with 55. George is next

Nicky: again don't think there is one

George: Time somebody writes it 

Val: Also think we can't find one with 77

Lewis: Closes I got is 777 - Bruno Mars

Daniel: Close enough will at it to the list

Val: Yeah 77 is not an easy number 

Mick: I know Antonio isn't part of the grid anymore but I really have a lovely song for his racing number

Max: I think I know the song. Is it in German?? 

Mick: Yes it is

Lewis: Why not share it?

Mick: 99 luftballons- Nena

Seb: That song 😂😂

Nicky: I don't know it. Is it a good song?

Max: Ehm it is not bad

Mick: But good is something else

Lewis: We are going to add it. We are done.

This one took me some time to make😳. Also it is my chapter with the most words. I will add the link of the playlist to this comment section. What is your favorite song with a number in the title?

Apparently the comments section doesn't work so I am trying this:
Also I will share the link on my profile.

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