Forty Four | Velvet

Start from the beginning

"Have you heard about the bathrooms at Sov?" I asked, holding Y/N's hand as we walked down a narrow corridor lined with extravagant chandeliers.


"Sovereign 818, this place, have you heard about the bathrooms before? They're notorious for people taking photos in them because they're so lavish. Seriously, they're like these old school Parisian style boudoirs. They've got these fancy seats and makeup benches, sometimes they even have a live classical quartet playing inside," I laughed.

"Live music in the bathroom? What's the point?" She laughed as I told her that Sovereign 818 was all about creating a specific atmosphere for its guests. Plus, the bathrooms were quite large, and catered for all genders so it was a spectacle to go in and mingle.

"Ew, am I going to see men with their dicks out at the urinals as I walk in?" She laughed, linking her arm with mine as we got to the door.

"Nah, there's like four or five private stalls. But they're huge, come on," I said letting one of the staff members push the bathroom door open for us.

We entered to see the dimly lit bathrooms with champagne coloured velvet and silk with gold embellishments. Seriously, this room looks straight out of a French movie set from the 1920's. Despite not having a live string quartet tonight, there was in fact a woman playing a harp in the corner. I'm not joking, a fucking harp.

"What the fuck..." she muttered under her breath.

"Oh hey mate! Long time no see!" I grinned, wrapping my arms around Matt Smith, a fellow actor who I had met on multiple occasions. He was wearing a light grey suit and a black tie. It suited him. Behind him was Florence Pugh, washing her hands at the sinks in a deep blue dress, which also suited her.

This is always the case with industry parties, the real shit goes down in the bathrooms because everyone is together doing shit behind a closed door. I wouldn't be surprised to see multiple people tonight cut cocaine lines or making out in a corner. Apparently the Met Gala bathrooms are wild but nobody talks about what goes down inside them. And yes, I am salty I still haven't been invited.

"Um girl!? I've been keeping my eye out for you all night tonight, as if I haven't found you until now," Flo said hugging Y/N tightly whilst sticking her hands out to not wet her dress.

I said bye to Matt after our brief conversation about what we had been working on lately and joined Y/N and Florence. The two girls were chatting about their awkward encounter last time they had met at the dinner with Zendaya and Timothee. Jeez, I had forgotten that happened. What a night.

"Find me outside later okay? I want a photo. Also, your ass looks mint in that dress," Flo smiled, kissing Y/N on the cheek and leaving the bathroom.

"I'm so happy she's here... I really like her," Y/N pouted, turning back to me and smiling.

"Florence? Yeah she's genuinely a lovely girl. Come on love," I said walking into a bathroom stall and waiting for Y/N to follow. She squinted as she hesitated, thinking about whether or not to come into the stall with me.

"Yeah, we're drunk enough to pee together," she laughed, stepping inside the large stall which had its own little velvet bench, side table, lamp and renaissance style mirror on the back of the door.

"I told you how stunning you look tonight right? How good you look in this dress?" I said smiling, the alcohol well and truly hitting me as I placed my half empty glass on the table.

"Many times yes, have I told you how good you look?" She smiled, pulling at my suit collar and smoothing it out over my chest.

"I mean, telling me one more time for good measure can't hurt right?" I smirked, leaning in to kiss her before she dodged my lips and moved her head to the side.

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