Chapter 2: Mirror Mirror on the Wall...

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"Alright, show's over you two. Get outta here. But don't forget to meet at the docks at eleven," he muttered to the boys standing beside him. With a shrug, they melted back into the crowds.

Riff started leading the way back to the apartment she shared with Tony, the sleeve of her dress grasped tightly in his hand. She felt not unlike a child being dragged home by their parent. They walked in silence the entire way. His jaw was clenched tightly as he fumed over the day's events. Aria remained quiet, pondering the words he had said to the Jets. Why were they meeting at the docks? Now that she thought about it, the presence of the Jets on the streets and in the market had been greatly diminished. She worried it may be the calm before the storm. Were they planning something for tonight? She wanted to ask him, but one look at his face convinced her otherwise.
Finally, they reached the steps to the apartment. He hauled her up the stairs into the apartment and practically threw her onto the couch, before snatching a cigarette out of his pocket. He lit it quickly, and took a long, slow drag, closing his eyes as he did so. They sat in silence for a few moments, Aria staring at the floor uncomfortably while Riff perched on the arm of the couch, his eyes remaining closed. Just when she was about to give up and leave the room, he spoke.

"What am I gonna do with you," he muttered.

Looking up, she saw his eyes were now trained on her, his eyebrows creased. Her heart twisted painfully, and she dropped her eyes back to the floor.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I don't try to be a pain for you an' Tony. We just really needed to buy some groceries and..." she took a shaky breath. "Honestly, lately it's just feelin' like Tony tries to keep me locked up in this apartment, like I'm a prisoner. Half the time he's off with you and the Jets, and I'm left alone. And when he is home, he makes me feel like I'm just... a burden," she finished. Riff sighed deeply.

"I'm not mad that you wanted out. Hell, I would too, being trapped in this craphole apartment all day." She smiled slightly at that. "But," he continued, "now really isn't the best time to be walkin' around the streets alone." He scratched the back of his neck, choosing his words carefully. "There's this fight with the Egyptian Kings tonight. An' they'll do anything they can to win. Including-"

"Taking the sister of one of the leaders of the Jets," she murmured, realization dawning. "But why? I've never gotten involved in any of the stuff you guys get into!" He shrugged, his eyes hardening.

"They don't care about that, Ria. All they care about is winning." A beat of silence passed as she digested this. She had always known that her brother and his friend were involved in some violent stuff, but this? Her thoughts were interrupted as he continued speaking. "Ya know, I should really tell Tony about all the trouble you got into today," he said, his voice taking on a slightly teasing tone.

"Mm, that would not go over well," she said ruefully, her eyes flickering to the spot on the floor where Tony had thrown her the day before. Riff followed her gaze and frowned.

"I meant to ask, are you okay? Tony kind of lost it last night," he said softly. She sighed and shifted in her seat.

"I'm alright. Really," she added, when he raised his eyebrows. "That was actually pretty mild. The way Tony gets sometimes... it scares me." Riff's mouth tightened as he nodded. It was pretty much what he had expected, but hearing it out loud bothered him all the same. He reached out his hand towards her, then seemed to think better of it and pulled away. Clearing his throat, he stood and started to head for the door.

"Seriously though, maybe I should tell Tony about the new 'spic friends you made today," he said, his voice taking on a hard edge.

Aria's heart sank in her chest. That was just like Riff. As soon as she thought she was getting somewhere with him, that she thought he might actually care, he shut her out and hurt her, every time. He was filled with anger and pain, and lashed out at anyone that he felt was getting too close to him. Shoving the pain and disappointment down, she bristled at his words and sat straighter.

"You say that like it's a bad thing. They aren't any different than you and me, Riff, and you know it. You're just so full of hatred that you need someone to blame." He scoffed as she pushed on. "Here's the thing, Riff. You ain't gonna tell Tony jack. Not unless you want me to tell him about you and Gratzie."

Riff's face paled slightly.

"How do you-"

"It doesn't matter how I know," she snapped. "How would Tony feel if he found out that his best friend was sneaking around with his girl?" She rose and began to pace mindlessly.

"Gratzie said they was through," he said indignantly.

"Yeah, and that's why they were making out in the kitchen two nights ago when I got back from the dance," she said with a mirthless laugh. "Fact is, Gratzie's always had it bad for ya, and she's just using my brother to get to you. And I don't care for it, not one bit," she said, glaring at a framed picture of Gratzie on the wall in disdain.

Riff's eyes narrowed, and he stepped closer to her, lifting her chin up with his finger.

"Why, are you jealous?" He asked, a slight smirk on his face. Aria tried desperately to ignore the butterflies in her stomach, forcing herself not to give into the urge to pull him closer. Instead, she gave a small laugh and walked away from him, leaning against the counter and looking up into the mirror.

"Jealous? Of that two-timing— no. No way." He shrugged and she watched him in the mirror as he came to stand behind her. She nearly jumped as he slipped his arms around her waist, watching her reactions as he lowered his lips to her ear.

"If you say so," he murmured. He pulled back and laughed before kissing her temple and heading for the door. The minute he was gone, she ran to the door and locked it, before leaning back against it, her breathing shallow. She caught sight of her face in the mirror, and it was as red as a blooming rose.

'Yeah,' she thought to herself. 'I've got it bad.'

The Space Between- Riff (West Side Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora