The gays.

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Sydney walks into 7th period to go sit into her seat. Sydney sits down and places down her bag she looks to her right to see the most beautiful girl she has ever seen. Sydney gives her alittle wave. She looks over and the girl starts walking over. Sydney starts to panic. "Hello." the girl said "My name is Kadrie!" "H-hey, My name is Sydney." Sydney starts to fidget and trys to find her diary. Kadrie starts to walk away. Sydney starts to write in her diary "God damn she is so hot, i got nervouse around her i can do this anymore should i just convese my feelings?! if i do when and WHERE?!. Love Sydney." Sydney lets out a big sigh. "Hello class." Mr.Grover says to everyone. "please take your seats." 

                                               1 HOUR LATER

The next thing you know the bell rings. Sydney packs up her stuff. Sydney starts walking for the door. Sydney runs into Kadrie, Kadrie looks back in suprised. "o-omg i am s-so sorry." Sydney repeats mutiple times "Its fine dont worry!" Kadrie says. Then they go their separate ways.

The Locker Room

Sydney walks into the locker room after swim practice, Sydney walks in on Kadrie changing. "OMG OMG OMG I AM SO SORRY" Sydney says loud and clear "its fine dont worry about it!."  Kadrie grabs Sydneys hips and pulls her in. They both make intense eye contact and start making out kadrie gets on top of sydney on the bench. Ally and Scout walk in on Kadrie and Sydney. Then Kadrie hops off Sydney and gets a towle and covers up, Sydneys face goes red. Ally and Scout run out crying. Sydney and Kadrie get into clothes and say there akward goodbyes.


Sydney walks into 7th period and sees Kadrie. Sydney hurrys to her seat cause she is to nervouse to talk to Kadrie. Kadrie walks to Sydney and puts her hand on her thigh Kadrie starts whispering into Sydneys ear "your skin is nice and smooth-" "Hey you guys!" Avie says "here is a invite to my party!." "thanks!" they both say,Avie walks away. Sydneys face is redder the dewanz's ass. Sydney gets up,Kadrie slaps Sydneys ass. Sydney walks away quickly and goes to the bathroom. Kadrie follows right behind her. Sydney walks into a stall and locks it. Sydney hears the foot steps of kadrie getting closer and closer. Kadrie kicks down the door and pins Sydney too the wall. Kadrie yells at her "Bad girls get punishments.." Sydney is confused and pissed herself cause of how nervous she was. "Did my kitten just piss.?" "Yes..?" Sydney says in embarrassment.  They both hear the jingaling of keys, Sydney hops on to the toilet and Kadrie covers Sydneys mouth. Then the noise of keys fades away. Sydney goes and changes her pants *BING* the bells rings and class is over. They all go home.


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