Chapter 11- Captain

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I flew with the limo. I rolled in the sunlight, adjusting my eyes to the brightness. Auradon looked magnificent from my point of view. The way the castle shimmered in the sunlight made me know I was going to be safe when I landed my feet.

I landed as they were walking across the grounds. Jay wrapped an arm around me. I smiled appreciatively. Lonnie was already walking ahead of us. Carlos stepped behind the two girls.

"No," he said, making me confused.

"No?" Evie questioned.

"You guys are always going off in a huddle, whispering your girl talk stuff or whatever. And Jay and I are tired of it," Carlos admitted.

"I'm not," Jay said. He looked at me and read my face. "I am. I definitely am."

"We're your family, too. We've been through a lot together. We're not stopping that now. Okay?" Carlos explained. "Everybody sit." Carlos sat on the ground.

Jay and I sat on the ground. "I don't know how to start girl talk."

"What up?" Jay offered.

"Why are we hiding everything from each other?" I corrected him.

"Um, well," Mal started. "I'm a mess. I'm such a mess. I mean, six months ago, I was, you know, stealing candy from babies and now everybody wants me to be this lady of the court and I have no idea how to act."

"Then don't," Carlos said simply.

"See, this was dumb," Jay said, getting up.

"Maybe it wasn't," I replied.

"We're always going to be kids from the Isle. I tried to forget it. I really tried, but those are our roots. And we all did what we had to do to survive. It made us who we are. And we're never going to be like anybody else here. That's okay. That's okay," Evie assured us.

"And we can't fake it," Carlos added.

"No," Evie agreed.

"Yeah, I mean, especially without my spell book," Mal said.

"Mal, if Ben doesn't love the real you, then he's not the one," Carlos said.

"I like that," Evie and I agreed.

Evie looked at Mal and me. "I'm gonna make some changes to your dresses. And if you're up for it, only if you're up for it, we'll be waiting for you, okay?"

Evie hugged Mal before we got up. Jay let me go in front of him as he talked to Mal. He caught up to me and turned my body around.

"I have something to show you. And I think you'll like it."


"Let's bring it in, boys. Let's bring it in. Alright. You all know I come from the Isle. Right? And things are pretty wack. But there's one thing the Isle's got in Auradon. If you're strong, I want you by our side, girl or boy."

"Hey, Jay, hold on. We don't, uh, we don't break the rules here in Auradon like over on the Isle."

"A team shall be comprised of a captain and eight men. And a captain shall have a substitute in case of need. So, uh, give it up for your new team captain and substitute."

Lonnie and I walked into the room, grinning. Jay smiled. I felt confident, and I knew he knew. He wrapped the whistle around my neck. The men clapped and bowed. Chad bowed, and I smirked.

I blew the whistle. "Give me ten. Come on, guys."

Lonnie placed her foot on Chad's back. "Pick it up, Chad."

I blew the whistle after they counted. "Alright, practice is over. Get out of here! Go get ready for Cotillion!"

Lonnie and I left. I was soaking in the overwhelming feeling of joy. Coach even approved me as team captain, so Jay wouldn't be blamed.

So awesome.

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