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I ran back up to the dorm area in the castle. I stopped outside the Slytherin common room and heard my brothers talking. But they were not just talking about random crap and they were talking crap about me.

Just then the door opened and Tom and Theo and Draco. I was frozen I didn't know what to say they looked surprised to see me standing there but out of nowhere they all just started laughing at me. 

"Aww it looks like she can't stay away from her brothers for less then a few seconds" Draco said with a smirk.

"well it looks like see has no friends and no one who loves her" tom said

"oh look she's gonna cry" 

I just turned around and ran I could not believe that my brothers would say that, I thought they cared about  me I honestly thought they cared about me because I'm there sister but there just as bad as dad.

once I got to my comments room I went straight up to my room. in my room Cedric was just on his bed studying. 

"Hey y/n - - - are you ok?"

" I-i"

"hey its ok here sit down"

I sat down next to him on his bed and he put his arm around me to comfort me.

"so what happened? you don't have to explain but it might be good for u to get your feelings out in the open"

after a few minutes after he said that I started to talk. I explained everything that was said to me and what my brothers and Draco said to everyone in the Slytherin comments room. 

"Oh I'm so sorry"

"its ok I just thought that they were different from dad"

"But what about Draco?"

"What about him?"

"Well do u care what he thinks?"



after a few minutes of silence Cedric spook.

"Do you want to go get some food?"


when we got there I had the worst shook of my life.

"and she was crying over this"

"how was she crying over that"

"who knows she's just a stupid little girl"

just then everyone went quite and Theo spook.

"why did you guys go silent?"

"Turn around"

"and look who it is our extremely embarrassing sister who cry's over everything"

"hey thats no way to treat me"

"and what are you gonna do bout it?"

You got you wand out.

"I will avada kadavra you"

"I would love to see u try sis"

"You know what no ur not worth it"

"you sure it's not because you're weak and not a riddle?" Tom said 

at the moment I just relized how rude and mean my brother can be

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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