۵ Chapter 9 ۵ (The New Version)

Start from the beginning

"You never know what he's planning next," he tells me.

"I'm betting I would. And besides, aren't you the one coming up with plans on how to attack the village and he just gets in the way?"

"I suppose that's one way to look at it," he says. "But yes, I do make most of the plans. At least the most genius ones. Evilly genius."

There's honestly something so odd about this guy. That's not really an original statement, but just something I feel like pointing out, though it doesn't need to be. "What is that you really wanna achieve?" I ask him interested. It's a topic that crossed my mind earlier, but one I'm not sure if I should bring up.

"What?" he asks.

"What are you trying to gain from attacking the village? Like I get the whole supervillain and evil thing, but isn't there always a goal to it all?" I explain my question in more detail.

"Firstly, not every evil supervillain has any bigger goal than reigning terror," Eggman says looking straight at me and then glances at his watch. "Secondly, look at the time. I have some errands to run in a few and I would prefer to do that alone."

That's suspicious. Not really an answer to my question at all. That only takes my mind to one thing: He does in fact have a goal and he doesn't want to share it. Maybe if he told me that could jeopardize it, which probably is true since I would very likely talk about it to Sonic who would just immediately stop him.

I sigh, "Okay. By the way I love that you just specified 'evil supervillain' like supervillains aren't all evil."

As I stand up from my seat, Eggman does the same. He walks me over to the entrance where he says, "It was nice talking again. Same time next Friday?"

I turn to him and think for a moment. "Maybe," I reply. "If you could just answer one question."

"Go ahead."

"What's your goal here?" I ask and motion around him and me.

There is a weird gruffness in his voice as he replies, "No goal. Just tea."

I squint my eyes, "Right. 'Cause every evil supervillain just asks a friend of their nemesis over for tea."

"What could I have to gain here?" he asks, and by the tone in his voice I know he's being serious.

Rolling my eyes, I turn away from him and start walking down the stairs and to the shore, "Right."

I'm not even halfway down the stairs when he decides to say something again, "You really think I only talk to you because you share a hammock with that rodent?"

I flinch nearly tripping and plummeting down the rest of the flight and straight to the ground. Luckily, I manage to keep my balance and turn back to him, "What?"

"Not everything on this island has to revolve around that blue menace," Eggman says irritated. The next part he says in a much lower voice, yet still audible enough for me to hear, "Though it seems you're already a lost cause."

For a short few seconds, he continues standing atop the flight, but doesn't say anything. It's like he's waiting for me to respond something, but I never do. And I bet that's exactly what he was expecting, as he grunts, turns around, and leaves back to his lair.

"Unbelievable," I shake my head as I turn around and walk down the stairs. "And he has the nose to ask me to come back here." As I'm walking further and further from the sleek building I shout, "And hedgehogs aren't rodents!" Why did I feel the need to add that? No idea. But I just did it. I doubt the walking egg even heard that one.

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