"Loki don't..." (y/n) frowns seeing how upset he was but he didn't listen, trying to use his magic to rip apart the barrier between them. His eyes shone brightly, his aura glowing a dark and dangerous shade of green as he blasts at the wall with whatever magical capacity he had but it was no use.

"NO!" Loki seethes out, slowly growing desperate and furious as his skin unconsciously turns blue. He slams his hands against the wall, ignoring the flaring bursts of pain as he pushes against it.

"Loki stop... please..." (y/n) could see the steam of where heat met with cold, the barrier flexing against the strength of Loki in his Jotun form. He growls and pushes harder, the wall suddenly snapping as he stumbles out. He was heaving for air but falls to the floor before (y/n) and pulls her close to his chest.

"You're going to be ok..." Loki mumbles out, more to try and convince himself as his shaky hand gently lays on (y/n)'s wounds. She grimaces against the stinging pain, leaning her head on his shoulder as magic surrounded her. She felt its warmth and the gentle breeze that caressed her, feeling so safe in Loki's arms as he carefully carries her to his bed after teleporting to his bedroom. He let out a breath of relief he didn't know he was holding, his love holding his arm that laid on her wound as she slowly let herself drift. Loki holds (y/n) tighter, his heart now easing as he was with her. He didn't know what he would do if he lost his mother... if he lost (y/n)... he couldn't bear it.

Loki looks down at his love and hugs her tighter, her easing to sleep in his arms from his magic as he kissed her head. (y/n) leans into Loki's chest and he looks over her, gently brushing his finger against the new cracks that had formed on her body. He wondered why these were hidden from him, wondering if these were the reason his love disappeared during the day. He leans down to kiss the bridge of her nose, against the crack that ran down her face.


"Loki..." time had blended together with its peace and quiet until Thor silently walked towards his brother's bedroom after visiting his empty cell. He saw him tending to (y/n) and felt relief that she was ok as the bloody bandage around her stomach was changed and now clear of blood. Her complexion was better and she was sleeping more peacefully rather than being in pain. "How is she?" Thor walks into the bedroom as Loki sat on the bed next to his love who slept soundly against his body.

"It took some time but her internal wounds have healed." Both brothers were next to each other, their promise of keeping their family safe as strong as their love for their mother. They would keep each other and (y/n) safe till the end. "There is something you need from me." Loki could tell that Thor had come to him for a reason.

"I know you seek vengeance as much as I do." The god of mischief truly felt Thor's words, his mind brewing with rage for the filthy elf that had hurt his love, the filthy creature that almost hurt his mother. "You help me escape Asgard and I will grant it to you."

"You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?" Loki muses quietly, knowing his brother had lost trust in him after the battle of New York.

"Because for all the possible reasons across the Nine Realms, she trusts you." Thor looks down at (y/n). "And I know you would do anything to keep her safe." Loki purses his lips, picking up on the hidden intent behind Thor's words.

"Hmm. When do we start?" The god of mischief stands up, making sure to not wake up his love. Thor informs his brother of the plan that has already started and he goes off to make sure the guards were not around, giving him his final moments to say goodbye to (y/n).

Loki whispers his farewell, conjuring his single green rose when a smaller hand grasps his. "I'm coming with you." (y/n) had woken up, picking up just enough of the plan both brothers had devised.

"No." Loki would not hear such a thing, for his love to be in the midst of danger again. "You will stay here-"

"_I'm coming with you." (y/n) hisses out lowly, sitting up as Loki helps her.

"I do not want you hurt again (y/n). I cannot lose you."

"And you won't."

"How can you be so sure when all I attract is chaos, death and misery!" Loki snaps, stepping away from his flowers touch like he might infect her with his misfortune. "Everyone I come across dies from my hands willingly or not! There is no space for another being to be by my side on this journey to death (y/n)!" Loki wrings his fingers through his hair, pacing before his love and thinking that he had made a mistake confessing. He would ultimately bring her demise and he couldn't bear for her to die because of him.

(y/n) stands up and walks in front of Loki, making him stop his erratic pacing. He steps away from her in fear but she pulls him back by his hands, kissing his palms. "Bring forth the chaos, bring forth the death and misery, I will be with you until the end of time Loki," the god of mischief furrows his brows as his love pulls his head down gently by the back of his neck to kiss him. He melts against her touch, gently holding her cheek in his palm as she whispers against his lips. "you won't ever have to be alone on this path."


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