Valenda After the Fates

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It had been weeks since the world had changed for everyone in Valenda. The remaining fates had scattered once the Fallen Star's powers disappeared with his death. There were whispers that a few Fates remained in the city but Tella doubted most would remain. The pillars along her path were all ablaze with Wanted posters. Some showed the snarling Undead Queen others showed Jester Mad hanging upside down in the frame and the Prince of Hearts icy gaze looked back menacing . Tella hadn't looked up from her shoes to bother noticing them.

In the weeks that followed the chaos the question of who would take the throne circled back and forth. Eventually it was decided that her sister Scarlett would continue to rule.

Not everyone was welcoming her sister as a new heir to the thrown. For now most dissent was confined to hushed grumblings in shadowy corners of the city. In a show of trust Scarlett had begun to create a council of elders to help her rule the empire. The council would be appointed by the people. Each isle and providence was to send a delegate within the next three months with two council seats appointed directly from citizens of Valenda. The city was abuzz with this new change. Even those who weren't sure about Scarlett were intrigued with this new development.

Donatella had thrown herself into the city the last few weeks. With all the tasks needed to mend it after the Fates her mind had been kept busy.Now those tasks were becoming few and far between. She needed to search for further distractions.

She made it back to the castle just in time to see Scarlett flit from space to space speaking with five different advisors at once. When Legend had been heir his performers were among the few he trusted, but Scarlett put her trust in her subjects and welcomed each advisor as they began to trickle into Valenda.

There were some other changes beginning to happen in the weeks following the Fate's downfall. Tella was too busy in her own heartache to keep up with the world around her. She barely heard as Scarlett came up to her.

"He should be here any day now."

Tella's heart began to swell thinking that Scarlett must mean Legend and that Julian had heard news from his brother. One look at Scarlett's heated expression let Tella know that was not who she was referring to. Her sister was made of all things pure. She was love personified. But her expression now showed deep hatred that mirrored Tella's expression. One of the first orders Scarlett carried out after containing all the mayhem with the Fates was to send for Marcello Dragna so he could stand trial. Tella's world had lost all the vibrant colors that once lived in it. After Legend had left all the colors bled and ran after him. Once the searing pain of heartache dulled to a steady throb not much could penetrate Donatella's world.

Marcello Dragna was an exception.

Marcello was her father and although his transgressions paled in comparison to Gavriel's he was not far behind the Fallen Star. She was happy that there were no issues in his arrest and detainment but would prefer to keep her distance from that vile man.

"I'm glad there will finally be some small form of justice for everyone that he's hurt." Donatella looked at Scarlett and knew they both felt the same. There were very few instances where the sisters didn't see eye to eye. Their temperaments were wildly different but their hearts and loyalty to each other would always pull them close.

It was hard to watch Scarlett tiptoe around her every time they were together. Scarlett had the love of her life with her and she radiated pure love and happiness. It was hard for Tella to be close by. Scarlett tried her best to shield her sister's heart but every unspoken word between her and Julian was another reminder of what she had lost.

You can't lose something you never had she thought bitterly.

She needed to get away from here. Her feet started moving before she was even conscious of her movements. Scarlett's face was already beginning to lace with pity and Tella couldn't stomach it. Scarlett didn't try to stop her.

There were only two places that Tella frequented often. The Immortal Library when she needed quiet to still her mind and, Jacks's old gambling den when the cacophony of sounds could carry her thoughts away. She was never much of a scholar nor a gambler but now she understood the allure of both. The stories and knowledge she could gleam from the Immortal Library kept her mind busy especially now that she had finished every tome that held traces of Legend. It was beauty and torture to read everything about him. She cried when she read how his mother had left him with a single rose and a note on the steps of the former Master of Caraval. A plump and pompous man who became a father to both Legend and his brother. She sat at the edge of her seat as she read stories of how they traveled through enchanted lands and battled  sea monsters and pirates. She read of his whirlwind romance with her grandmother dripping with envy and renewed sadness. The sections on the witch Esmeralda beguiled Tella. Legend had made his wish come true and had ensnared the enchantress with his cunning and charm even as a human.

Reading about Legend before he became the infamous Legend showed Tella a glimpse of what their life could have been. She continually tortured herself with his stories until she had leeched every ounce of knowledge the library had on him. Now she visited for the silence.

But today she didn't want silence. Her feet padded along the streets weaving a familiar trail through shops and vendors before emerging into the University District. The large columns around her felt like familiar friends. Tella eyed the opening to the gambling den as her feet continued to carry her forward. She ducked inside the familiar tavern and allowed the smell of spilled brandy and musty planks to brush against her.

A few heads turned in her direction and gave quick nods. She had become a regular face here. She quickly ducked into a secluded booth that was typically empty. Tella waited for someone to come around with a drink as she pulled a thin book from her pocket. Since finishing all the books on Legend she could fine Tella began to read more about the history of fates and other mythical creatures. The story in her hand was vivid but it lacked the color that Legends stories carried.

She wasn't sure how long she sat there when a voice called out to her.

"I'm surprised to see you here."

Tella stiffened at the sound of a familiar voice. Her hair pricked up as she recognized the Fate.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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