Prologue 🔷 A new Morning.

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It was morning, and the sun is shining over Icee's window.
Icee's eyes opened as he groaned and got up. "Ugh.... Welp, its morning, again..." He thought as he left his room. He felt too tired to make up his own bed anyway.
He went downstairs, toward the kitchen.
He went to the sink and filled a cup up with water. As he drank the water, and spat it out again, he smiled. "There we go."
He went down to the living room and saw Dogwo, who's waving at him quickly. Icee waved at him back, a bit timid. "Good morning Dogwo." Icee started, Dogwo recognized his voice immediately.
"Good Morning, Icee. Is there anything u want me to do?" He asked, wagging his tail quite quickly. "Eh, not right now, Dogwo. Go play with Funoi or someone." Icee replies, letting Dogwo go. Dogwo ran towards his door and went through the dog door, getting a bit stuck in the process, but he managed to push through.
Icee sighed, sitting on his couch. He grabbed a cyan remote and turned on the TV. A reporter is first seen on the TV. "There has been sightings of a void looking puddle, but its unknown of the cause. Whenever people touch it, it causes a rash towards the spot that they touched it with. The main group is trying to figure all this out but at the case, please ignore the puddles."
Icee listened through all that. He nodded as he sighed. "I would. Just for the tribe."
As he turned off the TV, he heard a crash coming from another room. "Wh- huh?" He looked outside the window, and saw a large portion of a puddle just right beside his house. Confused, he opened the door and looked outside. Dogwo was beside the puddle, looking shocked.
"Dogwo?!" Icee yelled. "No, please! I didn't do this!" Dogwo replied, yelling back. "You didn't?" "yep.."

To be Continued...

Tangled Vines || A Original Story (DISCONTINUED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon